外教老师说: Today students started the class by reviewing body parts they learnt in the previous lesson. Then we begun the new project "ocean world". We learnt following words: Fish,Octopus,Jellyfish ,Crab,Starfish,Shark,Whale,Shrimp Seaweed。
助教老师说:每次绘画课堂小朋友们都如此认真,正因为他们很热爱绘画,非常喜欢这位端庄优雅漂亮的俄罗斯老师,而她很有耐心的指导小朋友,教小朋友学习英文,下午15:15准时上课,老师和小朋友一起回顾了上节课学习的单词,身体各个部位和脸部的单词,小朋友还真回家练了,都能回答上来,特别是Nancy 同学总是抢答,而且都正确,很厉害哦。那今天我们开始绘画海底世界里海洋生物,老师带着孩子学习了相关的单词,Fish鱼,Octopus章鱼,Jellyfish 水母,Crab蟹,Starfish海星,Shark鲨鱼,Whale鲸,Shrimp虾,Seaweed海草。

外教老师说:This lesson we focused on creating a whole composition, bringing previous knowledge about shapes and lines in a more organic form. Students used all kinds of ocean creatures to make their own special ocean life design.
Everyone did a great job. I see some improvement in motivation and really enjoyed everyone's stories for their ocean world project.

外教老师说:Nancy took a challenging way and created very complex patterns around her picture. She came up with great fish designs and kept the composition interesting and detailed.

外教老师说:Jason started brave and was very excited for this project. His design is full of story and details. He also was willing to learn througout the class and I saw some improvement in coloring.

外教老师说:Leo had a big story behind his design. He was more interested in the narrative than the execution, but I appreciate the flow of imagination. The storytelling is one of his great talents.

外教老师说:Ivy took the project very seriously and considered every detail as always. She showed great coloring and very balanced composition, didn't want to take the break and was very, very focused. Ivy小朋友总是非常认真地创作着自己的作品,细节考虑的非常周到。展现她在绘画上的天赋,颜色搭配,图案设计的比例都平衡的非常非常棒,休息时间她都不放过,还是聚焦的绘画作品。

外教老师说: I'm really pleased with today's result. I want students to spend a little more time on this project to improve their coloring. Great job today, everyone!
助教老师说: 老师还是很用心,擅于发现每个小朋友的特点进行总结,也经常鼓励小朋友大胆的去创造,不限制小朋友的想象力和发挥,同时给予在绘画技能上的引导,还是与众不同的。
外教老师说: Homework: trace line between correct word and the image. Review English words. Second picture: add patterns and color the fish!

联系人: 冯老师