20200104 writing复习

20200104 writing复习

作者: GTA_Spano | 来源:发表于2020-01-04 10:50 被阅读0次

In recent years, there is a controversial issue about ___ has launched a heated debate. While some people take it for granted that __, other people argue that ___. In this essay, I would like to present my opinion by developing both of the two sides at the same time.

Admittedly, it was firmly believed that ___, however, it is not as persuasive as it stands.

First of all, we may argue that ___, it is the first and the most important reason because that  ___. So, ___.

In addition, it is well known that ___,

We can cite a convincing example of a report of the Daily Report. According to a joint report by five leading universities, about 72 percent of the interviewees agreed that they believed that ___.

To put it into a nutshell, despite the fact that __, we may safely draw the conclusion that ___. Both the government and the individuals should work together to combat the problem.


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      本文标题:20200104 writing复习
