Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more.
Attention. Here and Now. Wake up. ---The Power of Now
The best teachers are on the Internet. The best books are on the Internet. The best peers are on the Internet...The tools for learning are abundant. It's the desire to learn that's scarce. ---Naval Ravikant
The Freedom from Procrastination Code
It is not possible to be perfect.
Making an effort is a good thing. It is not a sign of stupidity or weakness.
Failure is not dangerous. Failure is an ordinary part of every life. The real failure is not living.
Everyone has limitations, including me.
If it's worth doing, it's worth making mistakes along the way.
Challege will help me grow.
I'm entitled to succeed, and I can deal with other people's reactions to my success. 其实,有人害怕成功,因为成功者常会被恶意包围。
If I do well this time, I still have a choice about next time.
Following someone else's rules does not mean I have absolutely no power.
If I show my real self, I can have real relationships with people who like the real me.
There are many possible answers, and I need to find what I feel is right.
——Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It Now
1 《遇见未知的自己》(作者:张德芬)评价:本年度年度之选。与我读过的多本书无缝链接,融会贯通地帮助陷入小我的谜团的人们靠近真我,解码喜悦与安定。
2 Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment 评价:While the book may seem spiritual and sophisticated on the surface, it proves to be approachable and awakening. A book worth rereading.
3 Adam Grant, Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success 评价:Counterintuitive as it might seem, givers gain more than matchers and takers. A must-read.
4 Eric Jorgenson, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant 评价:Pithy and profound, Ravikant's observations are as inspiring as they are instructive (though often counterintuitive). A work to be revisited repeatedly. My Book of the Year.
1 Cyberattaque à la banque 评价:侧重财经专业知识的离奇绑架故事。
1 应对腿抽筋:用力伸直抽筋的那条腿(勾脚尖:脚尖朝天,脚心朝外),同时用力伸直另一侧的手臂。想象自己是一根面条,在床上进行拉伸。这种方法能快速缓解,感觉抽筋的腿瞬间发热,抽痛感迅速褪去。亲证有效。
新年计划 New Year's Resolutions / Mes Bonnes Résolutions pour 2022
Read the King James Bible. (English)
Reach level B2 in French. (French)
Declutter my life. (Psyche)
Take voice training exercises. (Health)
Practice French conjugation every day. (French)
Read a page of an English dictionary every day. (English)
Read a page of a new book every day. (Psyche)