1. learn Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals.(8h)
2. study notes:
1. setup VDI connect Procedure_v1.(3h)
2.learning bigquary.(5h)
for 1: Just follow the documentation
for 2: learn basic functions
1. setup dbt local env by oath.(4h)
2. learning bigquary.(4h)
for 1:
step1: install necessary software
1. learn git basic commit,incloud Submit and pull the code, and solve the code conflict.(20%)
2. setup dbt local env by service account key.(80%)
20220412 :
Four Filter(explore): always_filter, sql_always_where, sql_always_having, conditionality_filter, add to model on explore
1. Caching and Datagroups(model&explore): sql_trigger, max_cache_age, persist_with,Set cache update conditions and frequency
2. Modularizing core with extend(explore&view): view--incloud(1) and above sql_table_name add extends;explore--extensiong:required--explore:description,fields;
3. Improving the Usability: field naming ruler;rabel and description for field and explore;limited fields form some explore;group similar field and explore.
4. troubleshooting Data Models in Looker: LookML Validater;running queries in the explore;sql runner; content validator; looker error catalog
20220411 :
1. creating a view and join to an explore
2. creating measures and dimensiongs using LookML, and switch between develop and explore, and fix syntax errors.
3. creating derived tables using SQL runner and develop, and how