

作者: 啊辉的科研 | 来源:发表于2023-07-14 17:41 被阅读0次


#Usual commands:
pwd#print working directory
cd directory#go into the directory
cd ~#go back home
cd ..#go back upper level directory
mkdir directory#make new directory
vi file#make new file and edit it by vim tool, the method of vim tool can be learned by Internet
echo ni hao le a liangzai>file#create file with the content of 'ni hao le a liangzai'
touch file#create a blank file
grep -n word file1#search 'word' in file1 and show the row number
cp files path#copy the files to the path, if directory just add '-r'
mv files path#move the files to the path
rm files#remove the files
rm -fr directory#remove the directory forcedly
cat file#view the all content of the file
less file#view the file in pages, 'q' for out
more file#view the file by up and down keys, 'q' for out
head file#view the forward 10 rows of the file, the rows can be set by '-n 10'
tail file#view the backward 10 rows of the file, the rows can be set by '-n 10'
tar cfz newfile.gz commonfile#commonfile is compressed by gzip to the newfile.gz
tar cfv newfile.tar commonfile# commonfile is compressed by tar to the newfile.tar
tar xfvz newfile.gz# newfile.gz is decompressed by gzip
tar xfv newfile.tar#newfile.tar is decompressed by tar
gzip commonfile#commonfile is compressed by gzip in place without newfile
gzip -x commonfile.gz# commonfile.gz is decompressed by gzip in place
wget http/ftp#download
curl www.baidu.com#this command can check the Internet of the server
ls -lh#view all files and directories with detailed information
ps -aux#view all current running missions with PID
kill -9 PIDnumber#kill the mission forcedly with the PID number
chmod 777 file#give the jurisdiction of reading, writing and executing limits to the file
find ./ -name file/directory#search for file or directory from the current directory hierarchy, do not give a wide search scope

#Not usual commands:
ln -s originfile/directory linkfile/directory#create the soft link of file or directory
file filename#check the type of the file
history#show the history commands
df -m#show the space usage of system disk with Mb unit
du#check the storage of the directory, you can use 'ls -lh'
date#show current date
cal#show the calendar
lscpu#check the CPU information
which command#check the location of command

#Wildcard character:
*#match any character
?#match one charater
[[:alpha:]]#allcases including uppercase and lowercase
[^]#match any single character outside the specified character range

#Shortcut keys:
Ctrl+A#move the cursor to the beginning of the command line
Ctrl+E# move the cursor to the end of the command line
Ctrl+C#stop the current command forcedly
Ctrl+L#clear the screen
Ctrl+U#delete the current command
up and down keys#show the history commands

#more information please view “https://blog.csdn.net/fymx203/article/details/94397469” or search yourself.


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