流利说 D14 2018-06-19

流利说 D14 2018-06-19

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-06-18 18:37 被阅读13次



Listening -"Christina's Future Plans 1"

1、She's taking time off so that she can visit her parents.

2、 Her parents live in the mountains, about three hours away by train.

3、They are looking forward to seeing her.

4、 They haven't seen her for almost a year.

5、If everything goes well, they (plan) to (get) married (in) six months.

6、She wants to set up her business.

7、After they (get) married, Christina (plans) to (quit) her job.

8、Christina isn't going on the trip by herself.

9、She 's going to introduce her boyfriend to her parents.

10、She wants to spend more time designing clothes.

11、If everything goes well, they plan to get married in six months.

9、She usually (works) 6 days a week, (but) this week she's going to (take) 3 days off.

12、They may decide not have children.?

13、She's taking time off so that she can visit her parents.
(take time off--休假)

14、Christina sells women's clothing in a department store.


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