Day 18, Page 196-205

Day 18, Page 196-205

作者: 辣辣小疯子 | 来源:发表于2017-06-26 16:01 被阅读0次


    1. Anyway, Mom totally foiled my plan to win Class Clown. I'm just lucky there's not a category called Biggest Mama's boy, because after that today, I'd win that one in a landslide. 

    landslide本意是“滑坡”,还可以指“选票占压倒多数的选举” 例如landslide victory就是压倒性胜利

    foil: to prevent someone from doing something that they are trying to do 


    造句:He achieved a landslide victory during the election.

    2. But that all changed after Mom volunteered to be a chapterone for our field trip to the zoo when I was in third grade.

    chapterone: an older person who accompanies young people at a social gathering to ensure proper behavior

    volunteer to do something自愿做某事,volunteer除了可以做名词“志愿者”之外,还可以做动词和形容词表示“自愿主动做某事”和“自愿的”

    造句:I was achaperoneon one of my son's class trips.

    3. I've been trying to think of a category I have a shot at. Most popular and Most Athletic are definitely out, so I'm going to have to find something that's a little bit more in reach.

    have a shot at something: to try to so something, often for the first time

    out在这里有点类似于out of reach/unacceptable, 和下文的in reach 正好是一对儿相反意义的表达,表示……在能力范围之外/是力所能及的

    造句:I just think finishing these papers in two days is out of reach for me.

    4. This school year has been kid of a bust, but if I can get voted as a class favorite, I'll go out on a high note.

    on a high note: in a pleasant or enjoyable way

    go out: to end to to be forced to quit a game or competition

    造句:Our vacation ended on a high note.

    5. People still treat Bill Watson like he's something special, even though he ended up dropping out of high school.

    drop out of school是一个表示退学的经典表达,也可以具体说drop out of high school/ college...

    造句:nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime.


    1. If you can get yourself voted into the Class Favorites page, you're practically an immortal. Even if you don't live up to what you got picked for, it doesn't really matter, because it's on permanent record.


    live up to: to achieve what is expected, esp, high standard达到…期待,符合…要求

    permanent record有点类似于终身荣誉之类的,比喻经常我们可以听到终身会员之类的就可以说permanent ownership/ lifetime membership之类

    造句:If I can't live up to my mother's expectation, I will lost me permanent membership of never washing dishes. 

    2. Of all the people in the world to be our sub today, it was Mom. I thought Mom's days of getting involved at my school were over.

    Of all the people in the world to be our sub today, it was Mom. 这个句式很值得借鉴。把介词短语放前起到了一种“意想之外”的感觉,很符合此时的语境。

    比如我们可以造一个句子:Of all the people in the world to hurt me, I never think of you. 

    或者Of all the people in the universe to laugh at me, it was my best friend. 


    Today it rained heavily outside. I thought of my best friend right when I listened to JJ Lin's songs. I won a landslide victory in GaoKao but she just failed four years ago. I encouraged her to have a shot at it again but she said it was way out of her reach. I didn't blame her but I did feel so sad because we didn't live up to what we have promised to each other when we were in high school. Now, I miss her so much the minute I am graduating from my university, for she is the one I want to share my degree and honor most with. 


    kiss one's butt

    substitute teacher代课老师,文中的sub就是substitute的缩略词


    pull off one big prank达成一个恶作剧

    get one's gears turning



          本文标题:Day 18, Page 196-205
