伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths,University of London),又译金匠学院,是一所位于英国伦敦的公立研究型书院联邦制大学,隶属于伦敦大学。主要发展领域为艺术、设计、人文和社会科学。学院于1891年以金匠工艺和娱乐学院(Goldsmiths'Technicaland Recreative Institute)之名在New Cross地建校,后于1904年并入伦敦大学,改名为伦敦大学金匠学院(Goldsmiths'College);到了2006年,删除英文中“学院”二字,改为目前的名称Goldsmiths,UniversityofLondon。金匠学院除了是伦敦大学联盟一分子外,也隶属于英联邦大学协会和1994年集团。
另外,金史密斯学院的MFA课程也被评为全球十大最具影响力MFA课程。其他9所学院分别为Yale University耶鲁大学,Columbia University哥伦比亚大学,The School of The Aty Institute of Chicago芝加哥艺术学院,The School of The Museun of Fine Arts,Boston波士顿艺术博物馆附设学院(Tufts U颁发学位),Rhodeisland School of Design罗德岛设计学院,CAL Arts加州艺术学院,Bard College巴德学院,The School of Visual Arts纽约视觉艺术学院,UCLA加州大学洛杉矶分校。
Department of Art
One of the University’s flagship departments - has a leading reputation internationally
纯艺术 BA (Hons) Fine Art (3 years full-time)
纯艺术 BA (Hons) Fine Art (Extension Degree) (1 year full-time, followed by 3 years full-time BA (Hons) programme [total of 4 years full-time])
纯艺术&艺术史 BA (Hons) Fine Art and Histor y of Art
数字艺术 BSc (Hons) Digital Arts Computing
纯艺术 MFA Fine Art (2 years full-time)
策展 MFA Curating (2 years full-time)
艺术 MPhil and PhD Art (3-4 years full-time or 4-8 years pArt-time)
策展 MPhil and PhD Curating (3-4 years full-time or 4-8 years pArt-time)
本科 Undergraduate
设计 BA(Hons)Design
(3years full-time,with aprofessional placement during Year2)
设计国际预科课程 International Foundation Certificatein Design
(inconjunction with the Centre for English Language&Academic Writing)
研究生 Postgraduate
设计-批判性研究 MA Design-Critical Practice
设计与环境 MA Design and Environment
未来设计 MA Design Futuresand Meta design
交互设计 MA in Interaction Design
时尚设计 MA Fashion
设计 M Resin Design
设计与创新 MA/PGDip/PG Certin Design&Innovation
创意与文化产业 MA Creativeand Cultural Entrepreneurship
设计教育 MA in Design Education
设计实践 MPhil/PhD(designpractice,3-4yearsfull-timeor4-6yearspart-time
设计研究生证书课程 Graduate Diplomain Design
本科申请截止日期 UK/EU applicants
Earliest date:1 September
Latest date:15 January
(15 October if applying to Cambridge or Oxford universities)
International (non-EU) applicants
Earliest date:1 September
Latest date:30 June
Fine Art/Fine Art & History of Art
Your por tfolio should consist of original ar twork and/or documentation in the form of, for example, photographs and films.
Your portfolio should indicate not only what you have studied, but also what motivates you.
You should include a range of works that show areas of independent enquir y that are emerging in your ar t practice. For example, your working process and your visual curiosity. Please only include work that is central to your practice and concerns.
We would also like to see an example of your written work .
The portfolio will contain up to 12 items representing a variety of your ar t/design work and approaches. These will need to be .jpg image files, .mov video files or
.mp3 audio files. You'll also be asked to upload an essay from either your
Foundation course (or equivalent) or from an A-level (or equivalent).
In your portfolio you should aim to include arange of work that shows the breadth of your developing skills and interests.
We are particularly keen to see yourthinking through your portfolio selection and not just resolved pieces so please include examples of your process work .
Whilst the BA we offer in Design is broad and interdisciplinary, we are open to seeing portfolios that may focus on a specialism or particular creative discipline as well as those which show a multidisciplinar y practice.
Consider including a mixture of the following: models, 3D work , prototypes, material experiments, design sheets, sculpture, paintings, drawings, graphics, writing, illustration, typography, photography, animation, film and/or anything that you feel demonstrates your creative abilities and motivations. We're always interested to see work that is self-directed, related to outside interests or from other subjects studied (outside of Art and Design).
Ideally you will include at least 2-3 projects where you can talk about them from initial brief through to resolution.
BA (Hons) Fine Art/ BA (Hons) Design:IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum of 6.5 in the written test and no individual test lowerthan 6.0)
BA (Hons) Fine Art (Extension Degree):IELTS 5.0 (with no individual test lower
than 5.0)
International Foundation Certificate in Design:UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)
IELTS 5.0.
研究生 MFA Fine Art
语言要求:IELTS 7.0 (including 7.0 in the written test)
We prefer that you send up to 20 images in a PDF file, movie clips or web links as your portfolio via our online application system. You will be asked to do this when you apply online. Please include information on the size, media, duration and year of works as appropriate.
费用 Tuition &Fees
BA (Hons) Design:£17,540
BA (Hons) Fine Art: £18,850
MFA Fine Art: £20,000