

作者: 空也如是 | 来源:发表于2019-01-09 13:26 被阅读0次

    Radical Changes in Children's Lives

    ① For those over 30 in a rich country, in their childhood, they were out and about all the time; their parents hardly saw them from morning to night.

    ② Today such children will spend most of their time indoors, be supervised more closely, be driven everywhere rather than walk or cycle, take part in many more organised activities and, probably for several hours every day, engage with a screen of some kind.

    ③ Prosperous parents these days, especially in America, invest an unprecedented amount of time and money in their children to ensure that they will do at least as well as the parents themselves have done, and preferably better.

    ④ Those endless rounds of extra tutoring, music lessons, sports sessions and educational visits, have proved highly effective at securing the good grades and social graces that will open the doors to top universities and well-paid jobs.

    ⑤ Working-class parents in America lack the wherewithal to engage in such intensive parenting.

    ⑥ As a result, social divisions from one generation to the next are set to widen.

    ⑦ The reasons underlying these momentous changes in childhood range from broad social and demographic trends such as urbanisation, changes in family structure and the large-scale move of women into the labour force to a shifting emphasis in policy on the early years and the march of digital technology.




