沈文茵出生于中国上海的一个艺术世家,自幼酷爱艺术。大学时期攻读音乐专业, 在取得本科学位后赴加拿大深造后定居多伦多。在对艺术的深入探索中,逐渐体会领悟到“绘画是凝固的音乐、音乐是流动的绘画”,因此更进一步激发了对于视觉艺术的强烈兴趣。受此启发,她将对音乐的理解用色彩的交织来表现,创造出了“通感绘画”,利用丙烯颜料的特性结合抽像的手法来创作表达有音乐动感的绘画作品。
Sharon Shen was born in Shanghai. Inheriting parents’ talent for art, Sharon became an art addict at an early age. She studied classic music in the University in Shanghai and graduated with a BA degree in music. Sharon then went to Canada to further her education and she currently livesin Toronto, Canada. As Sharon goes deeper in arts exploration, she has found that “painting is frozen music; music is liquid painting.” That has further stimulated her strong interests in fine art as well as visual art. Sharon has been inspired to create “Synesthesia Painting” that she could express her understanding of music by using various colors. Her paintings incorporate elements of imagery and abstraction, delivering emotion of music by acrylic.
Sharon as paintings are characterized by bright colors with striking contrast and passion and natural and unrestraned brush strokes in acrylic expressing in abstraction subconscious human feelings.
Her paintings are shown in cold and serious colors in kink of depression. Also in warm and vivid colors you could fell the fanatical passion.