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作者: _男猪脚 | 来源:发表于2020-06-18 19:39 被阅读0次

    Spring Cloud Gateway配置路由的方式主要有两种方式,其一是在yml文件中配置,其二是通过硬编码创建RouteLocator实例,但是这两种方式都不支持动态配置,我们的需求是通过Nacos配置中心变更路由规则,Gateway能够实时刷新然后立即生效,基于这种需求,我的思路是通过注册Nacos配置服务的监听器,待收到服务端配置变更的事件后主动刷新Gateway的路由缓存。



            <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.alibaba.nacos/nacos-api -->


    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "nacos")
    public class NacosConfig {
        /* 服务地址 */
        private String serverAddr;
        /* 命名空间 */
        private String namespace;
         * encode for nacos config content.
        private String encode = "UTF-8";
         * nacos maximum number of tolerable server reconnection errors.
        private String maxRetry = "3";
         * nacos get config long poll timeout.
        private String configLongPollTimeout;
         * nacos get config failure retry time.
        private String configRetryTime;
         * If you want to pull it yourself when the program starts to get the configuration
         * for the first time, and the registered Listener is used for future configuration
         * updates, you can keep the original code unchanged, just add the system parameter:
         * enableRemoteSyncConfig = "true" ( But there is network overhead); therefore we
         * recommend that you use {@link ConfigService#getConfigAndSignListener} directly.
        private boolean enableRemoteSyncConfig = false;
         * endpoint for Nacos, the domain name of a service, through which the server address
         * can be dynamically obtained.
        private String endpoint;
         * access key for namespace.
        private String accessKey;
         * secret key for namespace.
        private String secretKey;
         * context path for nacos config server.
        private String contextPath;
         * nacos config cluster name.
        private String clusterName;
         * 组装配置参数
         * @return
        public Properties assembleConfigServiceProperties() {
            Properties properties = new Properties();
            properties.put(SERVER_ADDR, Objects.toString(this.serverAddr, ""));
            properties.put(ENCODE, Objects.toString(this.encode, ""));
            properties.put(NAMESPACE, Objects.toString(this.namespace, ""));
            properties.put(ACCESS_KEY, Objects.toString(this.accessKey, ""));
            properties.put(SECRET_KEY, Objects.toString(this.secretKey, ""));
            properties.put(CONTEXT_PATH, Objects.toString(this.contextPath, ""));
            properties.put(CLUSTER_NAME, Objects.toString(this.clusterName, ""));
            properties.put(MAX_RETRY, Objects.toString(this.maxRetry, ""));
                    Objects.toString(this.configLongPollTimeout, ""));
            properties.put(CONFIG_RETRY_TIME, Objects.toString(this.configRetryTime, ""));
                    Objects.toString(this.enableRemoteSyncConfig, ""));
            String endpoint = Objects.toString(this.endpoint, "");
            if (endpoint.contains(":")) {
                int index = endpoint.indexOf(":");
                properties.put(ENDPOINT, endpoint.substring(0, index));
                properties.put(ENDPOINT_PORT, endpoint.substring(index + 1));
            } else {
                properties.put(ENDPOINT, endpoint);
            return properties;
         * 实例化Nacos配置服务
         * @return
        public ConfigService configService() throws NacosException {
            return NacosFactory.createConfigService(this.assembleConfigServiceProperties());
         * 实例化Nacos路由定义存储器
         * @return
        public NacosRouteDefinitionRepository nacosRouteDefinitionRepository(ApplicationEventPublisher publisher,
                                                                             ConfigService configService) {
            return new NacosRouteDefinitionRepository(publisher, configService);


     * Nacos路由定义存储器
    public class NacosRouteDefinitionRepository implements RouteDefinitionRepository {
        /* nacos配置属性 */
        private static final String NACOS_DATA_ID  =  "gateway";
        private static final String NACOS_GROUP    =  "DEFAULT_GROUP";
        private final Map<String, RouteDefinition> routes = Maps.newHashMap();
        private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;
        private ConfigService configService;
        public NacosRouteDefinitionRepository(ApplicationEventPublisher publisher,
                                              ConfigService configService) {
            this.publisher      =  publisher;
            this.configService  =  configService;
        public Flux<RouteDefinition> getRouteDefinitions() {
            return Flux.fromIterable(routes.values());
        public Mono<Void> save(Mono<RouteDefinition> route) {
            return null;
        public Mono<Void> delete(Mono<String> routeId) {
            return null;
         *  初始化路由
        private void initRouteDefinitions() {
         * 注册Nacos监听
        private void registerNacosListener() {
            try {
                this.configService.addListener(NACOS_DATA_ID, NACOS_GROUP, new NacosListener());
            } catch (NacosException e) {
                log.error("register nacos listener error:{}", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
         * 加载路由
        private void loadRouteDefinitions() {
            try {
                String content = configService.getConfig(NACOS_DATA_ID, NACOS_GROUP,5000);
                List<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions = convert(content);
                routeDefinitions.forEach(routeDefinition -> {
                    routes.put(routeDefinition.getId(), routeDefinition);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (e instanceof NacosException) {
                    log.error("loadRouteDefinitions from nacos error:{}", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
                } else {
                    log.error("loadRouteDefinitions error:{}", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
         * 转换路由
         * @param content 路由内容
         * @return
        private List<RouteDefinition> convert(String content) throws IOException {
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(content)) {
                String result = PropertiesUtil.getKey(content, "gateway.routes");
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(result) ) {
                    return JSONObject.parseArray(result, RouteDefinition.class);
            return Lists.newArrayList();
        /* Nacos配置事件监听 */
        private class NacosListener implements Listener {
            public Executor getExecutor() {
                return null;
            public void receiveConfigInfo(String configInfo) {
                synchronized (NacosListener.class) {
                // 发布刷新路由事件
                publisher.publishEvent(new RefreshRoutesEvent(this));




