

作者: 葉鴻 | 来源:发表于2019-03-08 22:44 被阅读0次

1. If we could reduce the amount of CO2, perhaps the rate of climate change could also be slowed down. One potential method involves enhancing the role of the soil that plants grow in, with regard to absorbing CO2.

2. Carbon-rich soil is dark, crumbly and fertile, and retains some water. But erosion can occur if soil is dry, which is a likely effect if it contains inadequate amounts of carbon.

3. Now, as been quite been discussion at the local press about whether there would be enough room for the number of visitors we have been attract, but the design is deceptive and there have been rigorous checks about capacity.

4.Exactly, I think it’s fair to say that the sound of the electric guitar typifies the rock and roll genre, which became popular in the 1950s. But really the instrument we know today was the result of a continuing development that started for our practical purposes in the 1920s.

5. Over the years, many inventors and musicians contribute to the design of this instrument, and each design was intended to alter the sound in some way, at first at least with the electric guitar, to make it louder. So let’s get back to when the steel guitar was first introduced in the United States. 

6. Before long, Hawaiian steel guitar music was all the rage in the mainland US. It actually had a strong influence on the development of several musical genres, rock and roll most notably, but also jazz and blues. Anyway, by the 1920s, with the advent of the public dance movement, people were gathering in large groups to listen to steel guitar music.

7. The unit design is based on the concept of the global village. with a playground being divided into 6 areas, showing different parts of the world, each with a representative feature, for example, there is a section on Asia, and this is represented by rides and equipment in the shape of snakes o... tigers and so on fauna native to the forests of the region.

8.OK, so we've been looking at the attitudes of various social and cultural groups towards the management of their personal finances, how important they feel it is to save money, and what they save their money for. One aspect that we haven't yet considered is gender.

9. Research studies of women in North America have found that women are far more likely to save for their children's education and they are also more likely to save up in order to buy a house one day. The same studies have found that men, on the other hand, tend to save for a car, which by the way takes a surprisingly large amount of the household budget in North America.

10.  He also said, a woman, having fewer pretensions, is far more willing to learn. Now, though these days people might question a lot of the assumptions contained in those statements, recent research does suggest that there are some quite fundamental differences between men and women in their attitudes to economic matters.



