- 读书札记七《A Short History of Chinese
- 读书札记十《A Short History of Chinese
- 读书札记九《A Short History of Chinese
- 读书札记八《A Short History of Chinese
- 读书札记四《A Short History of Chinese
- 读书札记六《A Short History of Chinese
- 读书札记二《A Short History of Chinese
- 读书札记三《A Short History of Chinese
- 读书札记一《A Short History of Chinese
- 读书札记五《A Short History of Chinese
P5录:If one understands the term religion in this sense, which does not really differ very much from common usage, one sees that Confucianism cannot be considered a religion.
P6录:Taoism as a philosophy teaches the doctrine of following nature, while Taoism as a religion teaches the doctrine of working against nature.
P6录:It is quite common to see both Buddhist monks and Taoist monks simultaneously participating in Chinese funeral services.
按:这里是说在中国传统的葬事仪式中,僧人和道士通常同时参加,并不令人感到奇怪。也就是不管你是南无阿弥陀佛还是什么太上老君仙令,只要管用的都是使上去。这也体现了中国宗教缺少排他性。相比而言,在西方,犹太教,基督教,天主教都是源自同一源头,然后其后的这三个分支之水火不容也不难看出相互之间的排他性。这里我认为,西方人追求的是Truth(绝对的真理),而中国人更看重Norm (一套入世的规范)。