1.I have been working hard than any other student in my class.
than any other +单数名词
2.Mike is expected to be free until the end of the weekend.
be expected to do...预计...
3.Jones was dismissed from the firm.
dismiss from...解雇
4. They began by experimenting on rats.
experment on sth....在....做实验
5. Please concentrate on what you are doing.
concentrate on...专注于...
6. She prides herself on her clean house.
prude....on sth.
7. The claimer failed in his attempt to reach the summit.
fail in sth....做.....失败了,没有做成...
8. Many people escaped from prisons during the last fuve years.
escape from.....从...逃跑...
9. We must economize on fuel.
ecnomize on....节约....,经济...
10. He's never done any work. He lives on his mother.
live on sth....依靠.....生活
11. He was employed in a factory before he joined the army.
be employed in...受雇佣于...。
12. What does this horribke drink consist of?
consist of...由....组成
13. I shall certainly act on your advice.
act on...按照.......
14. Don't write on the desk.
15. You shouldn't boast of your sccess.
boast of sth...炫耀....
16. You must encourage him in his efforts.
encourage sb. in sth.鼓励.....
17. He should be instructed in his duties.
instruct in sth....指示....,讲授....
18. Two or three people were involved in the accident.
be involved in sth...被卷入....
19 Children should be prohibited from smoking.
prohibit from..禁止....
20.I can assure you of my support.
assure sb.of sth. 向..保证....
21. Do you approve of hunting.
appove of....赞成..... 证明...
22. I despair of ever teaching him anything .
desoair of....失望...
23. Has this play ever been performed on the stage?
24. I warnd him of the danger, but he wouldn't listen to me.
warn sb. of...提醒...
25. He delights in annoying me.
delight in....高兴.....
