Misunderstanding (I)

Misunderstanding (I)

作者: 水写苍茫 | 来源:发表于2017-03-05 17:49 被阅读0次

When I was a little boy, some of my neighbor raised hens. One day my friends and I were playing in the yard. One friend of mine seems find a funny thing. He shouted:look eggs! Look in the direction as he pointing, I see that there are 3 eggs lays on the hay in the henhouse. One of these little companions said that I know whose eggs is this, these belongs to the old lady live in that house. After we look at each other for a moment, then I suggest let us pick up the eggs and bring them to the old lady, because she is too old, and maybe she is not convenient to get them out! Yeah, we are all excited with this GREAT idea, just like we have done something great. And another good idea came out, one kid said that most of the good guys did not leave their name after doing good deeds, this make the plan more perfect! Just like adults do! Deal, Just do it!
The 3 kids include me conquered many difficulties, took the risk of pecking by the cock, and suffered the bad smell of chicken droppings, we finally pick the eggs out the henhouse! Then we put the eggs in front of the old ladies door, and knocked on the door, after we hear the sound of the lady come to open the door, we suddenly hided! Because we are good boys and girls, we don’t want they know our names. When the door opened, and the old lady saw the eggs lay on the ground, and look around, there was no expressions on her face! We said take it up, take it up, take it up, But she slowly shut the door. We tried again and again, Knock, Open, Shut, Knock, Open, Shut! But she still had not take the eggs! It seems the perfect plan fails.
How should we do? All the guys don’t know. Put them back into the henhouse?but we have not finished the good deed. But firstly we should keep these eggs safe, and tried later OK? We make another deal. We find a corner not far from the henhouse, and find some hay to cover on them. They we smiled to each other with satisfaction. At that moment, another guy just showed up! He was curiosity and asked what are doing? He was eager to join us to play with us! After he saw the eggs on the hay, he seemed know something and shout out, you are thieves! We said we are not. At that time I found it is not funny, But he does not believe. He even shouted to others. Unfortunately, my mom just come back from work and just pass by here, my friends see adults come back, just run away! There only left me and the guy who said I am a thief, because he caught me with the goods! My mother was shame and angry, she just believe what she had seen and what she had heard, I was frightened by her and I don’t know how to explained to her, but all the clues were pointed at me, and proved I am guilty. And I was scolded and beaten badly at that night. As a little child, he really did not know how to speak for himself, he always believe what her mother said to him. At that time I really thought I am a thief! Since then I have no confidence to play with other children, I am afraid they call me the thief.
After several years, one day I was walking along the road with the guy who said me a thief. When we passed by a fruit stall, he just put his right hand into a heap of walnuts under the seller’s nose, and said how warm in it! Then we go away. After several steps, he open his hand and I just see a walnuts in his hand! And show me the excellent trick of stealing! I was astonished at that time! I realized that I am not the thief! Tell the truth, since then I felt a little better.
Until teenage, I almost forgot this story. Once upon time, I have read some articles about kids’ behavior. Then I know that some kids are not the really thief, they just control themselves well. And I got a chance to explain to my mom, and she still remembered that. At last, She knew the truth. Kids are weak, as their Parents even other adults should gave them enough caring, tried to be peace with their fault, and tried to understand them. Someone said that Patrick your ways of thinking is different from others, I guess the secret maybe I don’t trust anything at the first sight or just listen up, I tried know more to decided. Thank you!


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      本文标题:Misunderstanding (I)
