演讲学习打卡4/100 解构Simon Sinek的演讲(上)

演讲学习打卡4/100 解构Simon Sinek的演讲(上)

作者: Kate_LU | 来源:发表于2019-05-11 22:59 被阅读0次


    Simon Sinek 在Oliver Scholars的讲座中做的这个23分钟的演讲,昨天虽然只听了一次,但是一整天都念念不忘。他没有明显的肢体语言,整个分享也只是一个接一个故事地串联,为什么有那么大的魅力呢?



    1. 开门见山

    作为一个分享者,一开头没有任何寒暄,直入正题,如果现场观众是学生或者学者为主,会给他们带来一种不拖泥带水、just to the point"的好印象。





    A question that sort of comes up a lot is "What advice would you give your younger self?" And if I would give that advice, I would like to tell myself that you don't have to  know all the answers and you don't have to pretend that you do." Cause I spent many years thinking that I have had all the answers and if I didn't, I pretended that I did. And it wasn't until that valuable lesson learnt later in life did it change the course of my life.

    So I thought what I would do today is just to share a few stories, a few things  that I learnt along the way. Some of them are big ideas, some of them are small.

    【故事1】:See the bagel

    -> 画面感/使用重音形成场景对比/使用手势描述场景

    There's cafeteria tables lined up next to each other, with boxes of tables across the cafeteria tables. A line of volunteers on one side of the tables and another much longer line of runners hoping to get a free bagel.

    -> 使用不同的语音语调

    The first one is all about perspective and going after the things that you want.

    **非常好的2分钟TT demo

    -> Setting the scene:2-3句话描述出跑步后主办方设置的免费bagel供应场景,以及“much longer"的队伍,生动、简洁+画面感。

    -> Showing the conflict: “通过“我”和朋友间的对话展现对于这一生活细节截然不同的态度,一个不断强调"free bagel", 一个不断强调“I don't want to stand in line".

    -> Directly to the "ah ha moment"

    That's when I realized there're two ways that you can see the world: you can see the things that you want, or you can see the things that stand in the way of the things that you want. I could only see that bagel and he could only see the line.

    -> 升华

    People who can see the bagel, people who can see the things that they want, the things that are getting in the way, are actually diminishing in size. They're just obstacle to go over around. It's actually opportunities for invention or innovation. Whereas people who can only see the obstacles literally lose sight of why they set out on the journey at the first place. They become stunted by fear, or overwhelmed by the challenge ahead of them.

    -> 直接总结

    So the advice that I learnt piece NO.1: See the bagel.


    同时,第一个message完全符合Danajaya在工作坊中提到的Short and Sweet. "bagel"意味着目标,bagel以外的queue等障碍都不值一提。对于观众而言,日后只要想起来那个场景,甚至只是看到有人排队,都会马上回忆起这个故事,同时回想起这个信息。


    Before you see anything as you're going for your bagel, you start to get nervous, just remind yourself,  this is exciting.

    "Perspective matters".

    -> 幽默


    -> 使用五感描述“紧张”,用同样的方式描述“兴奋”,实际上两者的身体反应是一致的,不一样的只是我们用了不同的perspective去理解自己身体的反应,从而有了不一样的解读。



    You're here because someone takes care of you, and you have responsibility to take care of others. This is what makes you great. This is the core of leadership.

    -> 通过问题引起观众好奇

    "What kind of person makes it through buds?"

    -> 排比句式



          本文标题:演讲学习打卡4/100 解构Simon Sinek的演讲(上)
