

作者: Young先生 | 来源:发表于2020-07-08 14:11 被阅读0次


    1. 我终于弄懂了Python的装饰器(一)

    2. 我终于弄懂了Python的装饰器(二)

    3. 我终于弄懂了Python的装饰器(三)

    4. 我终于弄懂了Python的装饰器(四)



    def a_decorator_passing_arguments(function_to_decorate):
        def a_wrapper_accepting_arguments(arg1, arg2):
            print("I got args! Look: {0}, {1}".format(arg1, arg2))
            function_to_decorate(arg1, arg2)
        return a_wrapper_accepting_arguments
    def print_full_name(first_name, last_name):
        print("My name is {0} {1}".format(first_name, last_name))
    print_full_name("Peter", "Venkman")
    # 输出:
    #I got args! Look: Peter Venkman
    #My name is Peter Venkman






    def my_decorator(func):
        print("I am an ordinary function")
        def wrapper():
            print("I am function returned by the decorator")
        return wrapper
    # 因此,你可以调用它,而不用 "@"
    def lazy_function():
    decorated_function = my_decorator(lazy_function)
    #输出: I am an ordinary function
    # 它输出了 "I am an ordinary function", 因为你只是调用了装饰器,而没有调用函数:
    # 这里没有什么神奇的地方,使用'@'
    def lazy_function():
    #outputs: I am an ordinary function


    def decorator_maker():
        print("I make decorators! I am executed only once: "
              "when you make me create a decorator.")
        def my_decorator(func):
            print("I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.")
            def wrapped():
                print("I am the wrapper around the decorated function. "
                      "I am called when you call the decorated function. "
                      "As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.")
                return func()
            print("As the decorator, I return the wrapped function.")
            return wrapped
        print("As a decorator maker, I return a decorator")
        return my_decorator
    new_decorator = decorator_maker()       
    #I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
    #As a decorator maker, I return a decorator
    # 让我们装饰这个函数
    def decorated_function():
        print("I am the decorated function.")
    decorated_function = new_decorator(decorated_function)
    #I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
    #As the decorator, I return the wrapped function
    # 让我们调用这个函数
    #I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
    #As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
    #I am the decorated function.



    def decorated_function():
        print("I am the decorated function.")
    decorated_function = decorator_maker()(decorated_function)
    #I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
    #As a decorator maker, I return a decorator
    #I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
    #As the decorator, I return the wrapped function.
    # Finally:
    #I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
    #As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
    #I am the decorated function.


    def decorated_function():
        print("I am the decorated function.")
    #I make decorators! I am executed only once: when you make me create a decorator.
    #As a decorator maker, I return a decorator
    #I am a decorator! I am executed only when you decorate a function.
    #As the decorator, I return the wrapped function.
    #I am the wrapper around the decorated function. I am called when you call the decorated function.
    #As the wrapper, I return the RESULT of the decorated function.
    #I am the decorated function.

    嘿,你看到了吗?我们使用了带有“ @”语法的函数调用!


    def decorator_maker_with_arguments(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2):
        print("I make decorators! And I accept arguments: {0}, {1}".format(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2))
        def my_decorator(func):
            print("I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments: {0}, {1}".format(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2))
            def wrapped(function_arg1, function_arg2) :
                print("I am the wrapper around the decorated function.\n"
                      "I can access all the variables\n"
                      "\t- from the decorator: {0} {1}\n"
                      "\t- from the function call: {2} {3}\n"
                      "Then I can pass them to the decorated function"
                      .format(decorator_arg1, decorator_arg2,
                              function_arg1, function_arg2))
                return func(function_arg1, function_arg2)
            return wrapped
        return my_decorator
    @decorator_maker_with_arguments("Leonard", "Sheldon")
    def decorated_function_with_arguments(function_arg1, function_arg2):
        print("I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments: {0}"
               " {1}".format(function_arg1, function_arg2))
    decorated_function_with_arguments("Rajesh", "Howard")
    #I make decorators! And I accept arguments: Leonard Sheldon
    #I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments: Leonard Sheldon
    #I am the wrapper around the decorated function. 
    #I can access all the variables 
    #   - from the decorator: Leonard Sheldon 
    #   - from the function call: Rajesh Howard 
    #Then I can pass them to the decorated function
    #I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments: Rajesh Howard


    c1 = "Penny"
    c2 = "Leslie"
    @decorator_maker_with_arguments("Leonard", c1)
    def decorated_function_with_arguments(function_arg1, function_arg2):
        print("I am the decorated function and only knows about my arguments:"
               " {0} {1}".format(function_arg1, function_arg2))
    decorated_function_with_arguments(c2, "Howard")
    #I make decorators! And I accept arguments: Leonard Penny
    #I am the decorator. Somehow you passed me arguments: Leonard Penny
    #I am the wrapper around the decorated function. 
    #I can access all the variables 
    #   - from the decorator: Leonard Penny 
    #   - from the function call: Leslie Howard 
    #Then I can pass them to the decorated function
    #I am the decorated function and only know about my arguments: Leslie Howard

    您甚至可以根据需要使用*args, **kwargs
    当您执行“ import x”时,该函数已经被修饰,因此您无法进行任何更改。




