184. 王健《还原真实的美联储》(澄清对美联储的误解,还原金融市场本来面目)
185. 岳南《陈寅恪与傅斯年》
186. 时寒冰《时寒冰说:未来二十年,经济大趋势(现实篇)》
Kazuo Ishiguro "When We Were Orphans"
About the author
Kazuo Ishiguro (石黒 一雄; born 8 November 1954) is a Nobel Prize-winning British novelist, screenwriter, and short story writer. He was born in Nagasaki, Japan; his family moved to England in 1960 when he was five. Ishiguro graduated from the University of Kent with a bachelor's degree in English and Philosophy in 1978 and gained his master's from the University of East Anglia's creative writing course in 1980.
In 2017, the Swedish Academy awarded Ishiguro the Nobel Prize in Literature, describing him in its citation as a writer "who, in novels of great emotional force, has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world".
- Kazuo Ishiguro'f prifle on britishcouncil.org
- Karuo Ishiguro Interview on Nobel Prize