Docker for DevOps: From Developm

Docker for DevOps: From Developm

作者: 寺院的研究僧 | 来源:发表于2018-04-22 09:12 被阅读13次

Looking to level up your skills by deploying your own web application? How about furthering your career by picking up years worth of general DevOps skills? Prepare to get excited about Docker (and this course)! Dozens of massive companies are using Docker every day but the awesome thing about Docker is it works incredibly well even for the smallest projects. Nowadays learning about Docker and general DevOps skills is gaining massive momentum in the tech scene. It’s similar to how mobile app development was a few years ago. Companies are EXPECTING new developers to manage the full life cycle of their web applications. This means BOTH developing and deploying your apps.

用于运维的Docker:从开发到产品 希望通过部署你自己的web应用将自己的技巧提升一个层次吗?通过将时间花在运维技巧上来提升运维技巧以提升自己的职业生涯如何?准备好了就来学习令人激动人心的Docker吧。几十家大公司都在每天使用Docker,但是Docker也适用于那些小项目。今天学习Docker能让你获得技术界的机遇。这与几年前的移动app开发非常类似。企业正在对能够管理他们的web应用完整生命周期的开发者翘首以盼。

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