我们一般去加载大量的图片的时候,都会做缓存策略,缓存又分为内存缓存和硬盘缓存 ,使用的内存缓存是LruCache这个类,LRU是Least Recently Used 近期最少使用算法,我们可以给LruCache设定一个缓存图片的最大值,它会自动帮我们管理好缓存的图片总大小是否超过我们设定的值, 超过就删除近期最少使用的图片,而作为一个强大的图片加载框架,Universal-Image-Loader自然也提供了多种图片的缓存策略,下面就来详细的介绍下。
强引用是指创建一个对象并把这个对象赋给一个引用变量, 强引用有引用变量指向时永远不会被垃圾回收。即使内存不足的时候宁愿报OOM也不被垃圾回收器回收,我们new的对象都是强引用。
内存缓存-> MemoryCache.java (接口)
* Interface for memory cache
* @author Sergey Tarasevich (nostra13[at]gmail[dot]com)
* @since 1.9.2
public interface MemoryCache {
* Puts value into cache by key
* 通过key将value添加进缓存,成功返回true,失败返回false
* @return <b>true</b> - if value was put into cache successfully, <b>false</b> - if value was <b>not</b> put into
* cache
boolean put(String key, Bitmap value);
* Returns value by key. If there is no value for key then null will be returned.
* 通过key获取缓存中的value
Bitmap get(String key);
* Removes item by key
* 通过key删除缓存中的一条数据
Bitmap remove(String key);
* Returns all keys of cache
* 返回缓存中所有的key
Collection<String> keys();
* Remove all items from cache
* 清空缓存
void clear();
内存缓存-> LruMemoryCache.java (类)
LruMemoryCache指最近最少使用策略。 一种使用强引用来保存有数量限制的Bitmap的cache(在空间有限的情况,保留最近使用过的Bitmap)。每次Bitmap被访问时,它就被移动到一个队列的头部。当Bitmap被添加到一个空间已满的cache时,在队列末尾的Bitmap会被挤出去并变成适合被GC回收的状态。 注意:这个cache只使用强引用来保存Bitmap。
* A cache that holds strong references to a limited number of Bitmaps. Each time a Bitmap is accessed, it is moved to
* the head of a queue. When a Bitmap is added to a full cache, the Bitmap at the end of that queue is evicted and may
* become eligible for garbage collection.<br />
* <br />
* <b>NOTE:</b> This cache uses only strong references for stored Bitmaps.
* @author Sergey Tarasevich (nostra13[at]gmail[dot]com)
* @since 1.8.1
public class LruMemoryCache implements MemoryCache {
private final LinkedHashMap<String, Bitmap> map;
private final int maxSize;
/** Size of this cache in bytes */
private int size;
* 初始化,设置缓存的最大容量
* @param maxSize Maximum sum of the sizes of the Bitmaps in this cache
public LruMemoryCache(int maxSize) {
if (maxSize <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxSize <= 0");
this.maxSize = maxSize;
this.map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Bitmap>(0, 0.75f, true);
* 通过key来在内存中返回bitmap,如果存在的话,返回之后并将它移到队列的头部,如果缓存中不存在将返回null
* Returns the Bitmap for {@code key} if it exists in the cache. If a Bitmap was returned, it is moved to the head
* of the queue. This returns null if a Bitmap is not cached.
public final Bitmap get(String key) {
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("key == null");
synchronized (this) {
return map.get(key);
/** 缓存bitmap,并移到队列的头部
* Caches {@code Bitmap} for {@code key}. The Bitmap is moved to the head of the queue. */
public final boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) {
if (key == null || value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("key == null || value == null");
synchronized (this) {
size += sizeOf(key, value);
Bitmap previous = map.put(key, value);
if (previous != null) {
size -= sizeOf(key, previous);
return true;
* Remove the eldest entries until the total of remaining entries is at or below the requested size.
* @param maxSize the maximum size of the cache before returning. May be -1 to evict even 0-sized elements.
private void trimToSize(int maxSize) {
while (true) {
String key;
Bitmap value;
synchronized (this) {
if (size < 0 || (map.isEmpty() && size != 0)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(getClass().getName() + ".sizeOf() is reporting inconsistent results!");
if (size <= maxSize || map.isEmpty()) {
Map.Entry<String, Bitmap> toEvict = map.entrySet().iterator().next();
if (toEvict == null) {
key = toEvict.getKey();
value = toEvict.getValue();
size -= sizeOf(key, value);
* 移除
* Removes the entry for {@code key} if it exists.
* */
public final Bitmap remove(String key) {
if (key == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("key == null");
synchronized (this) {
Bitmap previous = map.remove(key);
if (previous != null) {
size -= sizeOf(key, previous);
return previous;
* 获取缓存中所有的key
public Collection<String> keys() {
synchronized (this) {
return new HashSet<String>(map.keySet());
* 清空缓存
public void clear() {
trimToSize(-1); // -1 will evict 0-sized elements
* 计算每张图片所占的byte数
* Returns the size {@code Bitmap} in bytes.
* <p/>
* An entry's size must not change while it is in the cache.
private int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap value) {
return value.getRowBytes() * value.getHeight();
public synchronized final String toString() {
return String.format("LruCache[maxSize=%d]", maxSize);
我们来看下LruMemoryCache.get(…)方法,在该方法里面,只有一个简简单单的判断,然后调用LinkedHashMap.get(…)方法,我们会好奇,这不是就简简单单将Bitmap从map中取出来吗?但LruMemoryCache声称保留在空间有限的情况下保留最近使用过的Bitmap。不急,让我们细细观察一下map。它是一个LinkedHashMap<String, Bitmap>型的对象。LinkedHashMap中的get()方法不仅返回所匹配的值,并且在返回前还会将所匹配的key对应的entry调整在列表中的顺序(LinkedHashMap使用双链表来保存数据),让它处于列表的最后。当然,这种情况必须是在LinkedHashMap中accessOrder==true的情况下才生效的,反之就是get()方法不会改变被匹配的key对应的entry在列表中的位置。
* Returns the value of the mapping with the specified key.
* @param key
* the key.
* @return the value of the mapping with the specified key, or {@code null}
* if no mapping for the specified key is found.
@Override public V get(Object key) {
* This method is overridden to eliminate the need for a polymorphic
* invocation in superclass at the expense of code duplication.
if (key == null) {
HashMapEntry<K, V> e = entryForNullKey;
if (e == null)
return null;
if (accessOrder)
makeTail((LinkedEntry<K, V>) e);
return e.value;
int hash = Collections.secondaryHash(key);
HashMapEntry<K, V>[] tab = table;
for (HashMapEntry<K, V> e = tab[hash & (tab.length - 1)];
e != null; e = e.next) {
K eKey = e.key;
if (eKey == key || (e.hash == hash && key.equals(eKey))) {
if (accessOrder){
makeTail((LinkedEntry<K, V>) e);
return e.value;
return null;
- LruMemoryCache(这个类就是这个开源框架默认的内存缓存类,缓存的是bitmap的强引用,下面我会从源码上面分析这个类)
- UsingFreqLimitedMemoryCache(如果缓存的图片总量超过限定值,先删除使用频率最小的bitmap)
- LRULimitedMemoryCache(这个也是使用的lru算法,和LruMemoryCache不同的是,他缓存的是bitmap的弱引用)
- FIFOLimitedMemoryCache(先进先出的缓存策略,当超过设定值,先删除最先加入缓存的bitmap)
- LargestLimitedMemoryCache(当超过缓存限定值,先删除最大的bitmap对象)
- LimitedAgeMemoryCache(当 bitmap加入缓存中的时间超过我们设定的值,将其删除)
- WeakMemoryCache(这个类缓存bitmap的总大小没有限制,唯一不足的地方就是不稳定,缓存的图片容易被回收掉)
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