两个非常漂亮的小姐姐来公司推销养乐多 我们眼前一亮,每个人买了几包 临走前,其中一个小姐姐问:有没有哪位哥哥想要天天喝养乐多的,我们可以送 所有的男同志齐声说:我要我要 从此之后,一个慈眉善目的欧巴桑开始天天给我们送货 我们签的可是三年的合同啊...
Two pretty girls came to my company to promote Yakult. All the guys are very excited and we each bought several packages. Before the promotion ended, a girls ask: does anyone want to sign up for the subscription, we deliver every day Of course, all guys signed up for the program Since then, a pretty old grandpa has been delivering the drinks every day Damn, it is a 3-year subscription plan