UNIT19 In a fast food restaurant.在素食店1。
Watch out! 小心。
Walk carefully, The floor is wet. 慢慢走,地板湿湿的。
UNIT20 In a fast food restaurant.在素食店2。
Don't just eat your French fries.Eat your hamburger, too.不要光吃薯条,也要吃汉堡。
You can't play until you finish your food,要吃完才能去玩儿。
Fine, you can go play now,很好,现在你可以去玩儿了。
UNIT21 In the supermarket 在超市1。
Go get a small shopping cart 去推一台小购物车。
Don't go so fast,不要走这么快。
Follow me,跟着我
Turn that way.走那边。
UNIT22 In the supermarket 在超市2。
We need some milk,我们需要一些牛奶。
Yes ,let's get some cheese, too,对,也要买些乳酪。
No ,not this time 不行,这次不买。
Put it back on the shelf, 把它放回架子上去。
UNIT23 In the supermarket.在超市3。
Don't push the shopping cart so fast. 购物车不要推得那么快。
Look out ,Don't bump into the person in front of you,小心不要撞到你前面的人。
UNIT24 In the Warehouse.在大卖场。
Don't stand up in the cart,在推车里不要站起来。
Sit nicely ,please .Good boy! 请你坐好,乖宝宝。
Ok, we are going up,我们要往上了。
Keep your head in the cart,不要把头伸出去。
UNIT25 No toys today.今天不买玩具。
No toys today! 今天不买玩具。
We made a deal, didn't we? 我们说好的,不是吗?
"No" means no!不行就是不行。
I'll get you something next time,下次再买东西给你。
UNIT26 Shopping in the market,逛市场。
You can go and look around,你可以四处逛逛。
Not today, dear. You already have plenty of toys.亲爱的,我们今天不买玩具,家里有太多玩具了。
We'd better hurry home .It's going to rain.快要下雨了,我们最好赶快回家。