Words & Expressions
Miss Brent was raking out the stove.
explanation: to move a rake across a surface in order to make the soil level, gather dead leaves etc
e.g. She raked the soil over to loosen the weeds.
Vera was cutting the rind off the bacon.
explanation: the thick outer skin of some foods, such as bacon or cheese
So neat and prim - wrapped up in that apron - Mrs. Rogers' apron, I suppose - saying: 'Breakfast will be ready in half an hour or so.'
explanaion: very formal and careful in the way you speak and behave, and easily shocked by anything rude
e.g. She looked prim and nervous in her best hat and coat.
But Blore went on, ploddingly, perseveringly...
explanation: slow or thorough and not exciting
e.g. plodding research
5.roll up
If you ask me, the murderer of Rogers would take jolly good care to be rolled up in bed snoring."
explanation: to make something into the shape of a tube or ball, or to become this shape
e.g. Painters arrived and rolled up the carpet.
Good sentences
She cried out in a high shrill voice, shaken with wild bursts of laughter.
All I can say is, if you're the criminal, you're a damned fine actor 5 and I take my hat off to you.
It was as though a sharp little gimlet had run into the solid congealed mass of Emily Brent's brain.