在$schedule 方法中 执行exec Linux命令
$schedule还可以输出结果到文件或者发送Email出去。sendOutputTo 或者emailOutpuTo
node-schedule网上教程很多 var schedule = require('node-schedule...
cd spidertouch schedule.pyvim schedule.py python schedule.py
function schedulefun(){ schedule = $("#schedule").text();...
Listening — Bus Schedule Here is a bus schedule at a bus ...
ListeningBus Schedule Here is a bus schedule at a bus sto...
Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop.It has the schedule ...
Types of Schedule Fixed ScheduleWith a fixed schedule, em...
Variable-interval (VI) Schedule: A schedule of reinforcem...
schedule $ pip install schedule Document: Examples — sche...
Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop,it has a schedule fo...