1.PNAS 的一篇newsletter
Transcription factor illuminates how plants grow to deal with shade and warmth
This finding, reported in NC, could help plant researcher understand how crop yields will be affected by climate change, and suggest how plants could be modified to perform better.
喜欢这句的understand how crop yields.......suggest how plants;结构上平行并且内容上是递进的,从crop yields扩大到plants.
Masuda, Kanae, Yoko Ikeda, Takakazu Matsuura, Taiji Kawakatsu, Ryutaro Tao, Yasutaka Kubo, Koichiro Ushijima, Isabelle M. Henry, and Takashi Akagi. ‘Reinvention of Hermaphroditism via Activation of a RADIALIS-like Gene in Hexaploid Persimmon’.Nature Plants8, no. 3 (March 2022): 217–24.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-022-01107-z.
在雌雄异株的作物如葡萄或番木瓜中,在驯化过程中对于扰乱的性别决定基因(disrupted sex determining gene)的人工选择常常导致性别逆转为雌雄同株。但另一方面,我们的结果表明D. kaki中雌雄同花的形成并不与现有路径的逆转或丧失相关,而是与一种在发育的花中激活DkRAD的新的路径相关(或者称之为雌雄同株重塑)。D. kaki中特异的DkRAD新功能的建立让人联想起由谱系特异性全基因组或部分基因组复制驱动的MeGI和OGI的新功能化。 尽管我们没有证据证明D.kaki最近的六倍体化事件导致DkRAD新功能的获得这一假说,但理论上认为,多倍体化或基因组/基因的复制普遍可以帮助建立或改变雌雄异株。在一些性别决定中,它们已经被证实在导致转化为雌雄异株的分子进化中起作用。我们这项研究提供了一个多倍体化的复制导致雌雄异株转变的例子。正如柿属中的例子,目前为止阐明的性别系统中的多数转变与多倍体化或复制触发的新功能的建立相关。由于植物物种大多都经历了频繁的多倍体化,或许为新功能/路径和派系特异的不同的性别系统的建立提供机会。
In dioecious crops, such as grape or papaya, artificial selection of disrupted sex determining genes during domestication has often caused reversion into hermaphroditism. On the other hand, our results suggest that the formation of hermaphrodite flowers in D.kaki is not associated with a reversion and loss of existing pathways, but with the establishment of a novel pathway via activation of DkRAD in developing flowers(or "reinvention" of the hermaphroditism). The establishment of this novel function of DkRAD specific to polyploid D.kaki is reminiscent of the neofunctionalization events in MeGI and OGI, which were driven by lineage-specific whole-genome or partial-genome duplication, respectively.
4.讨论复制事件对于性别系统的意义(both trans into and trans out)
Their actual role in the molecular evolution leading to transition ‘into’ dioecy has been confirmed for some sex determinants15,16,21. This study provides an example of the role of duplication in the transition ‘out of ’ dioecy, via polyploidization.
Ealier studies had shown that duplication participate in the transition into dioecy, our study suggest that it may also play role in the transition out of dioecy.