Work hard

作者: Andy0222 | 来源:发表于2017-06-24 08:52 被阅读9次

My good friend Billy and I decided to learn English last year.We promised each other to work hard. We are not failed to attend class. Billy always remembered to do his homework. I never forgot to do mine , either. Our English is pretty good now. It only proves that there's no gain without pain.

Pain or Comfort, which one you will choice?

If your life is comfortable , it is hard to learn and keep moving to another place where you never think about.

So that's a good question. You should always ask yourself, "Which is more important?, Which is important?". Continue to ask yourself  until you hear the voice from your heart. It will lead you to walk on the successful  way.Congratulations!

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance,you must keep moving.


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