Markdown Guide

Markdown Guide

作者: omen233 | 来源:发表于2020-06-01 16:06 被阅读0次


    h1 Title by #

    h2 Title by ##

    h1 Title by ==

    h2 Title by --

    we can add id, use # h1 Title {#custom-id}
    and use [Heading IDs](#heading-ids) to link the custome item

    Heading IDs


    use a blank line to separate one or more lines of text.

    Line Breaks

    end a line with two or more spaces

    test ! this is the second line.


    B use **[the Paragraphs]**

    or B use __[the Paragraphs]__ imp! double lines

    we better use **


    Italic  use *[the Paragraphs]* or _[the Paragraphs]_

    we can use ***[the Paragraphs]*** to get result

    Blockquotes 块引用

    like above, Add a > on the blank lines between the paragraphs.

    • use
    > the first
    > the second


    the first

    the second

    • use
    > the first
    > the second
    > > the third


    the first

    the second

    the third

    • use
    > #### The quarterly results look great!
    > - Revenue was off the chart.
    > - Profits were higher than ever.
    >  *Everything* is going according to **plan**.


    The quarterly results look great!

    • Revenue was off the chart.
    • Profits were higher than ever.

    Everything is going according to plan.


    we use [item].paragraphs get 1. First item

    1. First item
    2. Second item

    Unordered use - paragraphs

    • First item

    use four spaces or one tab

    • First item
      1. the one
    • Second item



    we use ![pic_name(pci_url)] to insert pics


    we use `

    Horizontal Rules 水平尺

    use ***

    or use ---


    we use [baidu](https://www.baidu.com "The title")

    baidu link


    we use --- to separate thead and tbody, and we use | to get col

    Syntax Description
    Header Title
    Paragraph Text

    we use : to set :- or :-: or -:

    left center right
    l c r

    You can’t add headings, blockquotes, lists, horizontal rules, images, or HTML tags.

    Footnotes 脚注

    use [^1] and [^1]:

    Definition Lists

    we use :+space to get definition Lists


    we use ~~[the paragraphs]~~ to get ctrl+5, like excel

    Task Lists

    we use - [x] to get

    • Write the press release
    • Update the website


    we use :joy: to get :joy:

    Disabling Links

    http://www.example.com to disabled, that's unabled

    use `` to get http://www.example.com

    # `Headings`
    # h1 Title by `#`
    ## h2 Title by `##`
    h1 Title by `==`
    h2 Title by `--`
    we can add id, use `# h1 Title {#custom-id}`
    and use `[Heading IDs](#heading-ids)` to link the custome item
    [Heading IDs](#heading-ids)
    # `Paragraphs`
    use a blank line to separate one or more lines of text.
    # `Line Breaks`
    end a line with two or more spaces
    test ! this is the second line.
    # `Bold`
    **B** use `**[the Paragraphs]**`
    or __B__ use `__[the Paragraphs]__` imp! `double` lines
    we better use **
    # `Italic`
    *Italic*  use `*[the Paragraphs]*` or `_[the Paragraphs]_`
    we can use `***[the Paragraphs]***` to get ***result***
    # `Blockquotes` 块引用
    like above, Add a > on the blank lines between the paragraphs.
    - use
    > the first
    > the second
    > the first
    > the second
    - use
    > the first
    > the second
    > > the third
    > the first
    > the second
    > > the third
    - use
    > #### The quarterly results look great!
    > - Revenue was off the chart.
    > - Profits were higher than ever.
    >  *Everything* is going according to **plan**.
    > #### The quarterly results look great!
    > - Revenue was off the chart.
    > - Profits were higher than ever.
    >  *Everything* is going according to **plan**.
    # `Lists`
    we use `[item].paragraphs` get 1. First item
    1. First item
    2. Second item
    Unordered use `- paragraphs`
    - First item
    use four spaces or one tab
    - First item
      1. the one
    - Second item
      > Blockquotes
    # `Images`
    we use `![pic_name(pci_url)]` to insert pics
    # `Code`
    we use `
    # `Horizontal Rules` 水平尺
    use `***`
    or use `---`
    # `Links`
    we use `[baidu](https://www.baidu.com "The title")`
    [baidu link](https://www.baidu.com "The title")
    # `Tables`
    we use `---` to separate thead and tbody, and we use `|` to get col
    | Syntax      | Description |
    | ----------- | ----------- |
    | Header      | Title       |
    | Paragraph   | Text        |
    we use `:` to set `:-` or `:-:` or `-:`
    | left | center | right |
    | :- | :-: | -: |
    | l | c | r |
    You can’t add headings, blockquotes, lists, horizontal rules, images, or HTML tags.
    # `Footnotes` 脚注
    use `[^1]` and `[^1]:`
    # `Definition Lists`
    we use `:+space` to get definition Lists
    #  `Strikethrough`
    we use `~~[the paragraphs]~~` to get ~~ctrl+5~~, like excel
    # `Task Lists`
    we use `- [x]` to get
    - [x] Write the press release
    - [ ] Update the website
    #  `Emoji`
    we use `:joy:` to get :joy:
    # `Disabling Links`
    http://www.example.com to disabled, that's unabled
    use  `` to get `http://www.example.com`



          本文标题:Markdown Guide
