

作者: 自由的凝视 | 来源:发表于2017-11-21 18:39 被阅读49次

The Lion,the Bear,and the Fox

A lion and a bear both caught a goat at the same momnet,and fought for who would keep it.

After a long and exhausting fight,they both lay down seriously hurt.

A fox,who was wathcing them from a distance,saw them both lying on the ground,and the goat lying untouched in the middle.

he ran between them,took the goat,and ran off as fast as the could.

The lion and  the bear saw him,but couldn't get up,and said,

"It's a pity that we fought and hurt each other only to help a fox!"

MORAL:if you must fight for something,make sure you keep your eyes on the prize.

The Lion,the Donkey and the Fox Go Hunting

A lion,a donkey and a fox formed a group to go out hunting.

They catugh many animals,and thought of having a big meal.

The lion then asked the donkey to divide up the food.

sharing it into three equal parts,the donkey asked his friends to make their choice.

The lion angrily jumped on the donkey and ate him.

He then asked the fox to divide up the food.

The fox put most of the food into one big heap,and just kept a little for himself.

"Ah!,Friend,"said the lion,"who taught you to share up food like that?"

"The donkey did",replied the fox.

Moral:Better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.

The Lion,the Wolf,and the Fox

a lion growing old,lay sick in his cave.

All the beasts came to visit their king,except the fox.

The wolf saw a good opportunity of getting rid of his enemy,the fox.

So,in front of the lion,he accused the fox of not paying any respect to the ruler of all the animals.

and also of not coming to visit him.

At that very moment,the fox came in and heard these last words of the wolf.

The lion was very angry with the fox.but the fox said.

"I have traveled all over the world and I've found out from the doctors the best way cure you.

The lion ordered him immediately to tell him the cure,and he replied,

"You must cut all the skin off a wolf while he is still alive,and wrap his skin round you while it is still warm"

The wolf was at once taken and all his skin was cut off him.

The fox ,turning to him,said with a smile.

"Your big mistake was to make your master feel anger,not kindness."

MORAL:There is always a better liar than you.

A Man and His Dog

A man's dog fell into a deep well,and the man went down on a rope to save his dog.

He reached down several times to grab the dog and pull it up.

but each time,the dog just bit his fingers.

So finally the man climbed back up and left the dog,saying.

"Why should I suffer so much pain to help one who refuses to be helped?

Moral:Don't hurt those who try to help you.


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