True Blue

作者: 0c05e63bafa4 | 来源:发表于2018-08-07 10:15 被阅读0次

Two friends are talking ...

Friend 1: Did Janice really say that about me? I can't believe it. Why would she say something so awful about me? We have been friends since grade school.

Friend 2: Not a good feeling to discover that your true blue friend would stab you in the back that way.

Friend 1: Whatever happened to loyalty and trustworthiness?

1. awful    糟糕的,可怕的

2. grade school    小学

3. true blue     忠诚的 /可靠的

4. stab you in the back    背后捅刀  

5. stab    捅刀/扎入

6. loyal    忠诚的

7. trustworthiness    信任 


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