文章:Web-based drug repurposing tools: a survey. 『Briefings in Bioinformatics』
drug repurposing/drug repositioning: 药物再利用
wikipedia解释: Drug repositioning (also known as drug repurposing, re-profiling, re-tasking or therapeutic switching) is the application of known drugs and compounds to treat new indications (i.e., new diseases). []
ncbi解释: Repurposing generally refers to studying drugs that are already approved to treat one disease or condition to see if they are safe and effective for treating other diseases. []
Eroom’s law: 倒摩尔定律
wikipedia解释: Eroom's law is the observation that drug discovery is becoming slower and more expensive over time, despite improvements in technology (such as high throughput screening, biotechnology, combinatorial chemistry, and computational drug design), a trend first observed in the 1980s. The cost of developing a new drug roughly doubles every nine years (inflation-adjusted)
倒摩尔定律: 尽管技术不断进步,但药物研发的速度越来越慢、越来越快
摩尔定律: 当价格不变时,集成电路上可容纳的元器件的数目,约每隔18-24个月便会增加一倍,性能也将提升一倍

The ideal candidates for repurposing are leads which have made it past Phase III, in terms of the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) system, as this implies they are proven to be efficacious in larger populations and verified to be safe
The recent times have seen many successes in repositioning old drugs (see RepurposeDB for a list of repurposed drugs),
- Web services that only provide a collection of repurposed drugs: RepurposeDB , The Drug Repurposing Hub and repoDB;
- Tools whose outputs do not provide a direct way of inferring the repurposing prediction (e.g. they may generate pharmacophores, weighted or non-weighted interaction networks): PharmMapper , PharmaGist, ProSMoS and VisANT;
- Studies that focus on any one single family, or some functional subset of proteins, or a single disease: iCDI-PseFpt, AlzPlatform and ACTP;
- Resources that only aggregate databases and provide associ- ations by connecting them, without using any predictive algorithm-based analysis: Pharos, SIDER, DTome, ChEMBL and PubChem;
- Web-UI tools that predict interactions of molecules with non-protein targets: ChemiRs;
- Web portals not accessible during the time of this review (authors have been contacted around the month of May 2017, if the Web site was down)
- Studies that are not published in peer-reviewed journals;
1. Predicting drug–target interactions
1) Ligand similarity using fingerprint encoding
2) 3D structures of drug and targets
3) Biological networks
4) Binding site parametrization
5) Others
2. Linking drugs to disease
3. Using drug-induced gene expression to predict new connections
Web servers predicting drug–target interactions.

Web servers linking drugs to disease

Web servers using drug-induced gene expressions to predict new connections


『On the Integration of In Silico Drug Design Methods for Drug Repurposing』
