半决赛: Sherrie点评是 ,1.故事开场就演,抓住了黄金30s 2.把故事表演出来了 3. 有激情
建议: 一定注意适当的停顿,适当的地方设置与观众互动,带着观众一起思考升华主题
决赛:小V 点评: 1.故事up and down
建议:最后结语时,要把情绪带进来 the key is practice.(从准备,录视频,传视频耗时4个半小时,总之只要自己愿意想办法总是可以找到办法解决的)
重录视频: 1.表现力 2.情感 3语流 这三方面还是自己重点要练的地方
最近在看歌手,很喜欢Terasa温暖而又喜悦的笑容,喜欢唱歌时的从容与优雅,喜欢她动情的演绎每一首歌,真实而又温暖,60 years old .she is always wearing a big smile.she said she is blessed for the God gave her an amazing way to express herself. every lyrics is just like her own feeling, she performed her songs emotionally. She expressed me much. 找到自己的挚爱,用真情来演绎,用一生来坚持。