经过一番查询,基本确定(加州)白鼠尾草的拉丁学名是 Salvia apiana,英文名叫 White sage。然维基一下~
Salvia apiana (White sage, bee sage, or sacred sage in English, qaashil to theLuiseno, shlhtaay or pilhtaay to the Kumeyaay, kasiile to the Tongva, we'wey tothe Chumash, qas'ily to the Cahuilla, shaltai to the Paipai, lhtaay to the Cochimi) is an evergreen perennial shrub that is native to the southwestern United States andnorthwestern Mexico, found mainly in the coastal sage scrub habitat of SouthernCalifornia and Baja California, on the western edges of the Mojave and Sonoran deserts.[1]
coastal sage scrub群落(确实主要分布在加州)Description
S. apiana is a shrub that reaches 1.3 to 1.5 metres (4.3 to 4.9 ft) tall and 1.3 metres(4.3 ft) wide. The whitish evergreen leaves have oils and resins that release a strongaroma when rubbed. The flowers are very attractive to bees, which is described by thespecific epithet, apiana. Several 1 to 1.3 metres (3.3 to 4.3 ft) flower stalks, sometimespinkish colored, grow above the foliage in the spring. Flowers are white to pale lavender.
唇形科(Lamiaceae)+鼠尾草属(Salvia)+白鼠尾草种(S.apiana) 种加词apiana源自拉丁词根apis,意思是蜂。因为该种的花非常吸引蜂类,所以命名时用apiana来描述它。我们可以从它的英文别名Bee sage感受一下! 整株 叶茎 花
Distribution and habitat
White sage is a common plant that requires well-drained dry soil, full sun, and littlewater. The plant occurs on dry slopes in coastal sage scrub, chaparral, and yellow-pine forests of Southern California to Baja California at less than 1,500 metres (4,900 ft)elevation.[1]
S. apiana is widely used by Native American groups on the Pacific coast of theUnited States. The seed was a main ingredient of pinole, a staple food. TheCahuilla harvested large quantities of the seed that was mixed with wheatflour and sugar for gruel or biscuits. The leaves and stems were eaten by theChumash and other tribes. Several tribes used the seed for removing foreignobjects from the eye, similar to the way that Clary sage seeds were used inEurope. A tea from the roots was used by the Cahuilla women for healing andstrength after childbirth. The leaves are also burnt by many native Americantribes, with the smoke used in different purification rituals.[2]
果实 仪式中的smudge stickCultivation
S. apiana prefers a sunny location, well draining soil, and good air circulation. It easily hybridizes with other Salvia species,particularly Salvia leucophylla and Salvia clevelandii.[1]
Bumblebees, hawk moths, and wasps pollinate white sage, and hummingbirds also appear to like the plant.[citation needed]
生态关系:蜂类、蜂鸟为其传粉Antibacterial properties
A study performed at the University of Arizona in 1991 demonstrated that Salvia apiana has potential antibacterial propertiesagainst Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Candida brassicae.[3]
See also
Medicinal plants of the American West
California coastal sage and chaparral ecoregion
Coastal sage scrub
smudge stick(“净化/去污棒”?)的做法 相关purification rituals除了白鼠尾草,有另外一种鼠尾草(英文名Diviner’s sage,拉丁学名Salvia divinorum ,“占卜者的鼠尾草”?)也在美洲一些原始部落的生活与仪式中有多种用途,而且这种鼠尾草具有强烈的致幻作用。下面对这种鼠尾草的简单介绍来自《众神的植物:神圣、具疗效和致幻力量的植物》[Plants of the Gods]一书(理查·伊文斯·舒爾茲,亞伯特·赫夫曼,克裏斯汀·拉奇著)。