

作者: michael_jia | 来源:发表于2018-05-15 15:01 被阅读29次

HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 是万维网通信的基石。

http status code

Used when the client has closed the request before the server could send a response.
Used in Nginx logs to indicate when the connection has been closed by client while the server is still processing its request, making server unable to send a status code back.
Client Error
The 4XX class of codes indicate you did something wrong. Specifically, there's an error on the client side.

http server @ github

a simple zero-configuration command-line http server.

Transfer-Encoding Header

Transfer-Encoding: chunked
开发 PHP 服务时,如果确切地知道返回的内容长度,一定要指定 Content-Length头,否则 Nginx 默认使用 chunked,因为它不知道何时结束,导致即使0字节的返回,网络上也有5个字节的内容传送(不包括 http header 的长度)。

mozilla.org上的 chunked 编码示例
Meta refresh
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=http://example.com/">
  • drawbacks:impairs the web browser's "back" button;user dissatisfaction;
  • legitimate uses:Many large websites use it to refresh news or status updates, especially when dependencies on JavaScript and redirect headers are unwanted.
  • You should mention that automatic refresh can be disabled in some browsers.
Refresh Header
  • 不是 HTTP 标准 Header;
  • Netscape 创建的;
  • 被 W3C 通过 Meta refresh 方式所接纳;
3 ways of redirection
  • Via 3xx response (in the Location HTTP response header)
  • Via Javascript (or any other client side code) in the response page (e.g. document.location=...)
  • Via "META REFRESH" (<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=...">)
  • Refresh Header was invented by Netscape
URL Redirection
  • URL 跳转
    The simplest way of JavaScript redirect using the onload property of the body tag:
<body onload="window.location = 'http://example.com/'">
<!-- Your content here -->

HTTP 1.0 vs 1.1



      本文标题:HTTP 协议
