title: a great
date: 2019-03-13 09:21:05
NO_sents: 786
NO_references: 319

a great abundance of
a great accession of
a great accumulation of
a great advantage of
a great amount of
a great array of
a great balance of
a great benefit of
a great challenge of
a great complement of
a great complexity of
a great contribution of
a great cost of
a great deal of
a great debt of
a great degree of
a great depth of
a great development of
a great diversity of
a great example of
a great excess of
a great expanse of
a great expansion of
a great extent of
a great feature of
a great fund of
a great grandson of
a great history of
a great improvement of
a great increase of
a great inducer of
a great investment of
a great job of
a great level of
a great loss of
a great majority of
a great many of
a great multiplicity of
a great number of
a great pair of
a great panorama of
a great part of
a great portion of
a great potential of
a great predictor of
a great preponderance of
a great proportion of
a great quantity of
a great range of
a great reduction of
a great relaxation of
a great resource of
a great resurgence of
a great risk of
a great simplification of
a great source of
a great store of
a great strength of
a great style of
a great superiority of
a great surplus of
a great understanding of
a great upsurge of
a great variation of
a great variety of
a great volume of
a great way of
a great wealth of