

作者: code_w | 来源:发表于2018-02-27 19:58 被阅读6次




    Mr. K.            When you produce plasma, you have a plasma in this condition.  Where you create a plasma you have a package.  This package has a full spectrum of the energies within the gravitational magnetic field forces of this Universe.  It has not got any less, and it has not got any more.        So, when you deal with a plasma, you open the plasma in a way, you have a different  gravitational magnetic field than when you are at this point.  So, here you have a gold, here you have copper for example.  So, within the plasma you have, as a GANS, you have a full spectrum. Depends as we said where you want to break into.


    So, now we go back to the original teachings where we started.  If you remember we started with this, we started with copper.  In a copper we had what we called molecular structure, tightly bound structure, with creating the right amount of energy, in the environment of the wire, we managed to change the molecular structure to atomic structure, what we call nano-layering.  We have been through this many times, but now you will see what we are talking about, where I am coming from. And this nano-structure is all connected to each other, and what you see on the nano-materials, which you have produced, you have produced so much nano-layers on your wire that in your wire….  I am trying to get hold of a nano-material  coated that we all understand. 


    This is the wire for example you used.  This is this.  When you created the right temperature and heat, you created so much structure release that you become to this.  


    At this level, you have still a matter structure, but a loose atomic matter structure, where here you had a molecular structure.  This you call a matter, this you call nano, which is what we call singularly. 


    Then what you did, by applying again changing the environment, do not forget from here to here was a change of environment, which was heat,  by changing the environment again by putting this material, this state of matter into a salt condition, or in a current condition, we created loose plasmas, what we call GANS.  No boundary, now you have the plasmas. 


    This is what you have covered up until now.  This is 10 years of teaching and 2 years of solid demonstration for you to make.  Now, the game you play it slightly differently, now you have the loose GANSes, you put them into a core, or you put them in a cup, you put them together.  So what you did, you collected the GANSes.  Don’t forget, a GANS is a plasma, free plasma, it is like a sun, it continuously radiates its energy gravitational magnetical field energy out.  So, when you have this container it continuously releases both gravitational and magnetical.


    Now, where from this point we have entered the Space technology, where Keshe Foundation sits, you brought your GANS into the container, now instead of each one releasing small amount of energy, now you have collective energy.  So, what you have done and what you are doing, is from now on the game changes.  You have two choices, here in the matter structure, the gravitational magnetic field bound is in the matter state, here you have a full spectrum. 


    The field… magnetic gravitation…. So, now… we can play the reverse, which means now by having a full package we can go backwards, which means now we can go to become nano, or the strength of the nano of a matter, and then, if we decide to convert into matter.  If you look it is the process reversed, and this was the matter state to GANS… this is something none of you have understood and you have to start understanding. 


    Now, that you have this, which releases energy as a plasmatic condition.  You have to decide how and where you want the plasma to be.  Would you like a plasma of energy of a hydrogen?  Or would you like the plasma of a water, would you like to have water in a tangible way, or would you like just to have the magnetic gravitational strength of the water without actually having physically the water? 


    This is where the change comes.  This is where we go from now on. This is where space teaching, Space Institute… you need aluminum…. Structure in the Space.  So, now we go through this process of conversion of the plasma into desired entities. 


    I have taught you this, you all know this, but you never stood still to understand what it means.  You are looking to take energy from this unit, when it is delivered to you in the next few days, to power the house.  But, if Keshe Foundation team worldwide understand what is being taught,go back on all the teaching of the Keshe Foundation, how you transferred the taste of the banana into the water, now go the reverse. T hen what you do this unit is your Oasis System.  This unit gives you not only ….


    Armen is making a unit in America, using the same copper, using the same process and is plugging into the American system at 110.  He brings the system with him here and we plug it the same, we use 220 240, there are no transformers, there is no change of transferring from one voltage to another, because the system decides what voltage, what power in the strength of the vibration of the electron it needs.


     So, if you understood this, this should be no problem.  And if you understood this, you understand in Space we do not need to take any matter with us.  A box like this, which can gather the energy, or release the energy of the plasma, then you become the master of destiny.  You want hydrogen, would you like water, or would you like aluminum, or gold, or whatever in Space you might need? This can become your medicine, you come across an energy transfer, which can dislocate or energize one of the cells in your body, you tap into it, you drain it, or as we’ve seen with the pens which has been produced, the process to be reversed back into its originality.  What does this mean? Let me see if I have with me…

    Excuse me, Marko, there is a bag with ……. More conversation




    This is the pen.  This is the size of the pen you will see, which will be done with the tip closed.

    This is manufactured in a beautiful way, and the shape of the power unit and the pen and everything the Keshe Foundation supplies will be the same.  And manufacturers have decided to be white, the sign of purity, because the knowledge is pure and plasma is clean, and you decide what you do with it.  So, you see for the first time the pen it will be released in this format. The manufacturers have gone for production of 1 million units to be released by the end of October.  It will cover all the necessary applications of it.  But if you understand with this pen it is exactly what happens with this position. 


    At this point you’re creating strength of the magnetic field, if this strength of the magnetic field in your body is of specific disease because the pen produces and releases a spectrum of the plasma, it will match into it in any shape or form.   So, what happens, your pen, that’s what it does. 


    And here, when there is unbalance between the gravitational magnetic field, in respect to its environment, it connects with the system inside, and it transfers the energy, so the balance is release of pain to you.  Because pain is plasmatic, pain is current flow at the electron vibration, as you call it, but as we call it, it is different strength plasmatic condition in a GANS state in the matter of the body of the man. 


    Remember one thing.  Then you understand how the transfer of field is done.  In the new system when you receive and operation of all of your plasma systems, you have missed a very vital point, some of you must have seen it, some of you understand it, this is for those who did not understand.   Even if you go to the original system, I put this away, even if we go to the very original system which we’ve seen it with all the plasma conditions, and then we saw Alekz bringing it to beads, or what you call it, you always needed a connection to the main, where on the other side you could release energy.  And none of you ever understood the process, maybe we explain it in a total different way you understand.


     In this section you have released, and you continuously have the availability of the same thing as this cup.  You have created a cup, but in a specific form that it has both gravitational field and magnetical field play.  So, go back to the teaching of Ninove 129.  129, as I have mentioned so many times, was created because the set with a GANS, which is this, had comparison plasma weaker than it had to feed, that’s how we detected it.  So, it needed a comparison point that it could act and release upon. 


    When you connect your systems to main, you create this comparison point, you are not tapping into the energy of the main, but the main becomes comparison point for the energy to be available.  And now you have a system that compares itself with this point, so it allows the plasma to be released at what the point of demand is. 


    You understand? He’s a master and he goes like this, he’s been in Italy too long. Don’t talk about Marko, he’s sitting in front of me.


    So how you release energy from the unit, and you can release energy in vast quantities, is because of the isolation in the frequency of the flow.  This always follows this, and if you haveAC, it follows this, so it can supply any voltage, any current you need 220 210, because it has a point of reference isolation.  So, you dictate through this, what to release this, but don’t forget, once you add a unit here, you have created a flow, so the plasma is continuously available at the level of the source. 

    因此,你如何从单元中释放能量,你可以释放巨大的能量,是因为在流动的频率中的隔离。这始终遵循这个,如果你是交流电,它会遵循这个,因此,它可以支持任何电压,任何电压你需要220 伏210伏,因为它有一个独立的参考基准点。所以,你通过这个决定释放什么,但不要忘记,一旦你添加一个单元在这里,你创造了一个流动,所以等离子体可获得持续不断的能量来源。

    You are working with nano-coated materials, which means, the current does not go through the wire, but it goes through the nano-layer as zero resistance superconductivity for plasma transfers.  So, now in one stroke, and it is now time for a lot of you to go back and reassess, reevaluate, how, now that you‘ve produced the plasma, you can convert the plasma to what you need energy, bananas, aluminum, and how he made a capacitor, and he put transformation in between that he could make the circle.  In so many ways I have no doubt in the integrity of what he has shown us, what he explains to us.  So, he has become part of the Keshe Foundation team to develop the conversion of this process. 


    So, now what you see is in fact what we promised.  This is not your Power Unit, this is your Oasis System.  If you manage to structure a field transfer across this box, this box will give you the shelter, it will give you the field barrier exactly as you expect.  If you know how to tap to its energy, you can have whatever you need, at the point of need. 


    Now your job is to transfer of plasma into desired strength at the point of demand.  You want to have a heat to keep yourself warm, without the physicality of the matter?  You want to convert that heat to become a copper, the field of the plasma to be whatever you like.  So, in a simple way, before we start our new sessions of teachings on a regular basis, as a what we call seminars from next Tuesday for the Masters and the 3-year course in October.  Now you see the task. 


    The task is very simple.  Up until now we have dealt with matter and matter was everything we know.  Now that we know we can separate the matter to plasma, is how to convert the plasma to what we need.  You have now what I call a bowl of milk you want to make cheese out of it, or you want yoghurt out of it, you want to make it to a pancake. Or whatever.  You have the dough, and the dough comes from this machine here.  Try to understand the process.  If I put this in this position, then in its connection you decide.  This is more or less what you are going to get. 


    On the house unit, you get 2 USB and one multi-point, because to us, this is obsolete because this is where you sit on a DC, plasma is always DC, so you can even from these supply your household goods, as you are used to it.  So, now what you see is a system, which in fact will meet every demand of a man in Space.  As now we have understood, how to loosen the structure, and how in loosening it, bring it together and we can release its energy a way as we want to collect.  A lot of you play with the water of the GANS, a lot of you play with the copper oxide of the GANS, is irrespective, every GANS has the total energy, and this is why a lot of you have been puzzled by it.  The strength of the material you put in is the limitation of the field.


    So, when you have, as we have seen done by Renan, I said to Renan the other day, if you remember he put a pen in, a pen of copper, the windings he did come from the part of the teaching which we were doing with him, from another side of the development, as he is part of the development side of the Keshe Foundation.  H e brought part of the knowledge, which wasn’t open to anyone into this, and all of you start making double cores.  Because this core is gravitational, and this one is magnetical, and this centre decides how much of it will go to each one.  That’s how your pen works. 


    And because it’s the fields, the pen when you look at it, in fact, the field of the pen is like this.  With a pointing you direct it, and that’s why when it comes in touch, even you don’t need to touch the body.  When you point it, as where there is this difference, if you remember with your generator, I try to be more open, where there is a difference, because there is a pain, there is an oscillation, the rest of the skin of the man, the muscle, has a steady current flow, so it does not interact.  The only point which interacts, is with the oscillation where the pain is released, so automatically it brings a balance.  Now you understand the science.  Why these pens are effective.




