Daliy Easy Expression1-30(coach

Daliy Easy Expression1-30(coach

作者: 相随成长路上 | 来源:发表于2018-10-19 12:15 被阅读0次

    低分飞过四六级的同学,有一定基础,想快速提高实用技能尤其是听说能力的同学, Coach shane 的Daliy Easy Expression你必须听,每日视频必须听三遍以上,学会用简单的英语解释晦涩难懂英语,还有掌握基本的连读知识和自然语流规律。


    1.How are you doing(It's very simple , but your really know how to pronounce. are is canceled,Ha yuh  doen)

    2.what do you do for a living(what is your job.how do you make money,pronunce you have to learn)

    3.I'm into sports(very interesting in sports such as dancing or shopping etc.)

    4.My kneen went out(just hurt or twist or strength,not broken)

    5.what is up this weekend(notice pronunciation, what is your plan)

    6.I'm going to kick back(nitice prouncation,have no work,just relax st home,sit in the chair kick legs out lay your back)

    7.I slept in ( there is no alarm. you can sleep until you awake)

    8.I overslept (you suppose to awake at seven a'clock,but you awake later.it's a bad feeling)

    9.I'm gonna stuck up on beer or toilet paper(you go to the store buy a lot)

    10.I'm counting on your(I believe you, I relay on you)

    11.I had a long week(notice and and long pronunciation.there a lot of work.it's very stressful)

    12TGIF:thank god,its Friday(good news)

    13.That is pure nonsense(That is not true.i can't believe)

    14.did your get(go) out doing(out you normal schedual or room

    15.to do away with sth(to get rid sth)

    16.to do it up(usually it is party or celebration or wedding. make it exciting.a lot of fun)

    17.to do up clothes/jacket/coat/dress/hair(zip your jacket.zip you dress.fasten coat.put your hair up)

    18.to do it over(again)

    19.because of (negative ,as a excuse why you don't do sth)

    20.thanks to(positive, it's a good situation,I will do sth)

    21.chack back in a jiffy(wait a moment,very quickly/in a second/immediately)

    22.pick your poison(sth looks very good,delicious,but  it is not good for your healthy,such as cake, chocolate and alcohol)

    23.this poor children(poor has two meanings: helpless and poverty)

    24.sth is pathetic(terrible, inadequate,inept)

    25.what purpose does it serve(what it is used for/what is it function)

    26.I couldn't help it(notice pronunciation. can't control myself)

    27.to look away(to avert one's gaze,maybe I am shy or your are too ugly or too bright)

    28.to push it (Don't ask more things,otherwise you lose everything)

    29.are you done yet(finish)

    30.nock on wood(hopefuly continue good luck)

    与希望提高英语水平的同学同行,加微信号Jessie1214723918可索取每天发布的Daliy Easy Expression的视频。



          本文标题:Daliy Easy Expression1-30(coach
