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TX2 Install Python3.5.2 list

TX2 Install Python3.5.2 list

作者: 童年雅趣 | 来源:发表于2019-02-25 14:09 被阅读102次

    PyPI 安装时,一般会提示如下问题(持续更新): PyPI org
    1、权限 permission 问题,如遇到增加 --user
    $pip install numpy --user
    $pip install --upgrade pip
    3、部分PyPI 包,由于版本兼容问题需要指定版本
    $pip install aiohttp==2.1.0 --user
    $vi Python3.5.5/setup.py 和 ./Module/Setup.dist
    5、Ubuntu部署Python3.7 虚拟开发和运行环境
    $python3 -m venv py3venv --without-pip
    6、Python 中文教程
    7、Python 3.5.2 升级到Python 3.5.5

    1. 下载并解压缩Python3.5.5 源码
    2. $./configure --enable-optimizations --prefix=/usr
      $make; sudo make install
    3. 此时Python3.5.2 被Python3.5.5 替代,但是所有Python modules需要重新安装
    4. 运行出现python3 get-pip.py时出现如下错误:Command 'lsb_release -a' returned non-zero exit status 1 #1257
      $sudo vi /usr/bin/lsb_release
      #! /usr/bin/python3 -Es
      #! /usr/bin/python2.7 -Es
      Refer to

    pip 和 pip3

    import sys
    # Run the main entry point, similarly to how setuptools does it, but because
    # we didn't install the actual entry point from setup.py, don't use the
    # pkg_resources API.
    from pip import main
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    2019-02-25 TX2 list of PyPI3
    nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~/$ pip3 list
    Package                       Version     
    ----------------------------- ------------
    absl-py                       0.7.0       
    aiohttp                       2.1.0       
    aiohttp-cors                  0.7.0       
    apturl                        0.5.2       
    astor                         0.7.1       
    async-timeout                 2.0.1       
    beautifulsoup4                4.4.1       
    blinker                       1.3         
    Brlapi                        0.6.4       
    chardet                       2.3.0       
    checkbox-support              0.22        
    Click                         7.0         
    cloudpickle                   0.8.0       
    command-not-found             0.3         
    cryptography                  1.2.3       
    cycler                        0.10.0      
    Cython                        0.29.5      
    dask                          1.1.1       
    decorator                     4.3.2       
    defer                         1.0.6       
    dill                          0.2.9       
    feedparser                    5.1.3       
    fire                          0.1.3       
    gast                          0.2.2       
    graphsurgeon                  0.2.0       
    grpcio                        1.18.0      
    guacamole                     0.9.2       
    h5py                          2.9.0       
    html5lib                      0.999       
    httplib2                      0.9.1       
    idna                          2.0         
    imutils                       0.5.2       
    Jinja2                        2.8         
    Keras                         2.2.4       
    Keras-Applications            1.0.7       
    Keras-Preprocessing           1.0.9       
    kiwisolver                    1.0.1       
    language-selector             0.1         
    louis                         2.6.4       
    lxml                          3.5.0       
    Mako                          1.0.3       
    Markdown                      3.0.1       
    MarkupSafe                    0.23        
    matplotlib                    3.0.2       
    multidict                     4.5.2       
    networkx                      2.2         
    numpy                         1.16.1      
    oauthlib                      1.0.3       
    onboard                       1.2.0       
    padme                         1.1.1       
    pexpect                       4.0.1       
    Pillow                        5.4.1       
    pip                           19.0.2      
    plainbox                      0.25        
    protobuf                      3.6.1       
    psutil                        5.5.0       
    ptyprocess                    0.5         
    pyasn1                        0.1.9       
    pycups                        1.9.73      
    pycurl                        7.43.0      
    pygobject                     3.20.0      
    PyJWT                         1.3.0       
    pyparsing                     2.0.3       
    python-apt                    1.1.0b1     
    python-dateutil               2.8.0       
    python-debian                 0.1.27      
    python-systemd                231         
    PyWavelets                    1.0.1       
    pyxdg                         0.25        
    PyYAML                        3.13        
    reportlab                     3.3.0       
    requests                      2.9.1       
    scikit-image                  0.14.2      
    scikit-learn                  0.20.2      
    scipy                         1.2.1       
    sessioninstaller              0.0.0       
    setuptools                    39.1.0      
    six                           1.10.0      
    sklearn                       0.0         
    slidingwindow                 0.0.13      
    slim                          0.2.17      
    ssh-import-id                 5.5         
    system-service                0.3         
    tensorboard                   1.9.0       
    tensorflow-gpu                1.9.0+nv18.8
    termcolor                     1.1.0       
    toolz                         0.9.0       
    tqdm                          4.31.1      
    ubuntu-drivers-common         0.0.0       
    uff                           0.4.0       
    unattended-upgrades           0.1         
    unity-scope-calculator        0.1         
    unity-scope-chromiumbookmarks 0.1         
    unity-scope-colourlovers      0.1         
    unity-scope-devhelp           0.1         
    unity-scope-firefoxbookmarks  0.1         
    unity-scope-gdrive            0.7         
    unity-scope-manpages          0.1         
    unity-scope-openclipart       0.1         
    unity-scope-texdoc            0.1         
    unity-scope-tomboy            0.1         
    unity-scope-virtualbox        0.1         
    unity-scope-yelp              0.1         
    unity-scope-zotero            0.1         
    urllib3                       1.13.1      
    Werkzeug                      0.14.1      
    wheel                         0.29.0      
    xdiagnose                     3.8.4       
    xkit                          0.0.0       
    XlsxWriter                    0.7.3       
    yarl                          0.10.3   



        本文标题:TX2 Install Python3.5.2 list
