日新录(9月15日    晴)

日新录(9月15日    晴)

作者: 天行健君马甲 | 来源:发表于2022-09-15 13:45 被阅读0次

While fighting your way to success, try to hold on to the good things leftin your life.在努力想要成功的同时,也要努力留住你生命中那些美好的事物。

Communication helps you to bridge the gap between what you know and what you want to know.沟通能帮你架起一座桥梁,缩小已知和未知世界之间的距离。

As we grow up and understand more about our responsibilities, we are better able to love and care for others and treat them with respect.随着我们的成长,并且更多地理解了自己的责任,我们也就能更好地去爱护、关心并且尊重他人。

Do not be daunted by difficulties and frustrations; otherwise you will always be a failure.不要被困难和挫折吓退,否则你将永远是个失败者。

The more you are devoted to the task, the more you will benefit from the experience.你在这项任务上投入越多,就能获得越多的经验。

New Year's resolutions are always easy to be made but difficult to be carried out.新年到来时下决心总是很容易,执行起来却往往很难。

Your friendship means a lot to me and I will cherish it for the rest of my life.你的友谊对我来说很重要,我的整个余生都将珍视它。

Thanks a lot for your presents. They will always remind me of you.非常感谢你送的礼物。看到它们,我就会想起你。

Too often people focus on the negative in everyday life and lose sight of what really matters.在日常生活中,人们常常太过注意消极的事情,而忽略了真正重要的方面。

I thought a long flight was a good moment to read them again, with the benefit of further hindsight.我认为,带着更多的后来经验,在长途飞行中重读这些书是有益的。

Hindsight often develops from repeated trial and error.常常是反复尝试和犯错之后才会形成事后经验。

We all yearn for the deep connection with others, and those moments of bliss, joy and completeness.我们都渴望与别人深入的交往,渴望那些幸福、快乐、圆满的时刻。

What touched me most was the overwhelming generosity of these people who had nothing, but wanted to give what little they had.最打动我的,是这些人感人至深的慷慨;他们自己一无所有,却想倾其所有给予他人。

A complete and thorough plan should be worked out to ensure the effi-ciency of the project.为了确保工程的效率,必须先制订一个全面周密的计划。

Poor health may have a significant negative effect on the quality of life.糟糕的健康状况可能会对生活质量产生很大的负面影响。

Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it.一些人梦想成功,而另一些人则在清醒中努力追求成功。

Give a thought to some of your life's magic moments and take a bit of time to be grateful for them.想一想你生命中某些奇妙的时刻,花一点时间用于感恩。


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      本文标题:日新录(9月15日    晴)
