CC, color conversion,色彩转换
CC, color correction,色彩矫正
CE, chroma enhancement,色度增强
SNR,signal-to-noise ratio,信噪比
SNR, skin noise reduce,肤色降噪
STD, standard deviation,标准差
OIS, optical image stabilization 光学稳像
PDAF,phase detection auto focus,相位对焦
CPP: camera post processor,摄像头后处理
ZSL: zero shutter log,零延时拍照
ABF: adaptive bayer filter,自适应bayer滤波器
CCM: color correction matrix
ASF: adaptive spatial filter,自适应空间滤波器
ACE,advanced chroma enhancement,高级色度增强
AEC, auto exposure control,自动曝光控制
AFD,automatic flicker detection,频闪自动检测
PLD,Physical Layer Driver,物理层驱动
CFA,color fillter array色彩滤镜阵列
BAF,bayer AF
LA,luma adaptation,亮度调整
ABCC,assisted bad cluster correction,辅助坏点族校正
IAF:instant auto focus,即时AF
DDM, dense depth map
LCA,logic cell array,逻辑单元阵列
WNR,wavelet noise reduction,小波降噪
LUT,lookup table查找表
MCC, macbenth color checker,macbeth麦克白色卡
CCT,correlated color temperature,关联色温
SWG,simple gray world,简单灰世界
ROI,Region of interest,感兴趣区域
AFR,auto FPS rate,自动帧率
MCE,memory color enhancement,记忆色增强
SCE,skin color enhancement,肤色增强
CT,Color Temperature,色温
IQ, image quality,图像品质
IS, image stabilization,图像稳定
HAF,hybrid auto focus,混合对焦
CAF,continuous auto focus,自动对焦
CAF(contrast AF),持续AF
GM,golden 模组
RDI, raw dump interface,原始数据转存端口
QTI, Qualcomm Technologies Inc
DCC, defocus conversion coefficient
SLR, single-lens-reflex,单反
PD,phase detection,相位检测
PD,phase difference,相位差
BPP, bits per pixel
DAC,digital to analog converter
AFR,auto frame rate
AWB, automatic white balance,自动白平衡
CAC,color aliasing correction
CAC,color artifact correction
CAC, chromatrix aberration correction
GIC, green imbalannce correction
DPC, defective pixel correction
LTM, local tone mapping,局部色调映射
VFE, Video front end,视觉前端
APL, average picture level
MLC,misleading color,误导性颜色。
DCIAF,dual camera instant auto focus
VPE,Video preprocessing 视频预处理
SAD,Sum of Absolute Difference
SADR, SAD with respect
HPF, High Pass Filter
FOV, field of view,视场角
RNR, radial noise Reduction
RMS,root mean squared
TOF(time-of-flight), 激光对焦
DCIF(duall camera instant AF),
MVAVG,moving average
HVX, hexagon vector eXtension
lc, line counter
FIR, finite impulse response,有限脉冲响应
IIR, infinite impulse response,无限脉冲响应
FIR, finite impulse response digital filter
imageADRC, automatic dynamic range compression,自动动态范围压缩
AOST, advanced optional software technologies,高级可选软件技术
BLSS, black level subtraction and scaling,黑电平减法和压缩
DRC, dynamic range compression,动态范围压缩
HVX, hexagon vector extension,6角延伸
TNR, temporal noise reduction,时域降噪
IR, infrared filter,红外线过滤
INTG, integration time,
AFS, auto focus stats
CS, chroma suppression
LCE, local contrast enhancement
PDPC, phase detection pixel correction
GIC, green imbalance correction
LNR, level-based noise reducton
MCTL, media control
zzHDR, zigzag HDR
pvl, preferred vendor list,优选供应商列表。
FD, face detection
FIR, finite impulse response
HVX, hexgon vector extension
HDR, high dynamic range,高动态范围
IIR, infinite impulse response
LSB, least significant bit
MIPI, mobile industry processor interface
MSB, most significant bit
AIG, adaptive input gain
LC,line count
UI,user interface
SGW, simple gray world
CE, chromatrix enhancement
HAL,hardware abstraction layer,硬件抽象层
QCDB, global components database,全局组件数据库
IRQ, interrupt request,中断请求
QRD, qualcomm reference desigh,高通参考设计
SOF,start of frame,帧开始
NVM, non-volatile memory
ASD,auto scene detection,自动场景侦测
SDK, software developers kit
MWB, manual white balance
MBDRC, multiband dynamic range control
KPI, key performance indicator
FB, FrameBuffer
EDID, extended display identification data
MDP, mobile display processing
GPU, graphics processing unit
SDR, satic dynamic range
WCG, wide color gamut
HFR, high frame rate
LLV, low light vision
LLP(snapdragon), low light photo
UDCF, universal dual camera framework
EIS, electronic image stabilization
DIS, digital image stabilization
EXIF, exchangeable image file
HJR, hand jitter reduction
singel frame HJR,在弱光条件下增强噪声性能
LED, light emitting diode
UBWC, universal bandwidth compression
CAMIF, camera interface hardware
CSID, camera serial interface decoder
DOF, depth of field,景深
ISPIF, isp interface
NVM, nonvolative memory
RDI, raw data interface
PDLIB, phase detection library
CIS, cmos image sensor
DPC, defect pixel correction
pip, picture in picture,画中画
ISP, image signal processor
QFIL, Qualcomm flash image loader
ISO, international standards organization
SOF, start of frame,帧开始
BL, black level
OECF, opto-electronic conversion function
OEM, original equipment manufacturer
CCI, camera control interface, 摄像头控制接口
ICL, imaging codec layer,图像编解码层
CDF,Cumulative Distribution Function
LSC,lens shading correction镜头阴影矫正
DPCM,Differential Pulse Code Modulation
IS, image stabilization,图像稳定
GCDB,global components database,全局组件数据库
IRQ,interrupt request,中断请求
QRD,qualcomm reference design,高通参考设计。
DT, data type
VC,Virtual Channel
CID,Channel ID
MTP, modem test platform device
HWI, hardWare interface
CDT, configuration data table
GPIO, general purpose input-output
DTC, device tree compile
MCT, media controller
TDN, temporal wavelet denoise
VCM, voice coil motor,音圈马达
CDS: color down sample. 它会跳过UV通道中两个像素之间的一个像素,这绝对会影响颜色。 我们强烈建议客户慎重使用它。 只建议在极端黑暗的环境下使用,以消除由于饱和导致的噪音。 所以请使用自动模式并通过微调isp头中的触发条件来触发它。
AGW,advance gray world
DFS,dynamic frame skip
SVHDR:Staggered video HDR
RTB,Real-Time Bokeh
EV, exposure value
NA, not applicable
SOF,start of frame,帧开始
CTS,Compatibility test suite
UDCF, universal dual camera framework
OECF,Opto-Electronic Conversion Function
PDPC,Phase Detection Pixel Correction
SAC, smart actuator control
LSC, linear slope control
POR, power on resset
OCP, over current protection
UVLO, under voltage lockout
SRC, slew rate control