poetry“警告” The current project c

poetry“警告” The current project c

作者: 飞跑的蛤蟆 | 来源:发表于2024-01-24 13:51 被阅读0次


> poetry install 
Installing dependencies from lock file

No dependencies to install or update

Installing the current project: message-board (0.1.0)
The current project could not be installed: No file/folder found for package XXX
If you do not want to install the current project use --no-root

使用poetry install --help后发现是这个逻辑,当前版本默认安装当前项目,如果不想这么操作的必须得加--no-root

  poetry install

  By default, the above command will also install the current project. To install only the
  dependencies and not including the current project, run the command with the
  --no-root option like below:

   poetry install --no-root

GitHub上关于这个问题的讨论 No file/folder found for package · Issue #8662 · python-poetry/poetry (github.com)



      本文标题:poetry“警告” The current project c
