

作者: 朱优然 | 来源:发表于2022-11-22 20:06 被阅读0次


Youth is just like an exciting song

which is full of joy as well as

challenges. It's really wonderful.

However, life always comes with

wind and rain. Life is not all roses.

Life must continue beyond

myself. I'm aware that whatever I

do,  I should do with all my heart.

I know that my parents,  my

teacher and my friends are all

standing there, supporting me all

the time. I can't stop. I must

continue. As Lincoln put it, "I'm a

slow walker, but I never walk

backwards." Future is hopeful. I

should focus on  what my heart

asks me to do, and if I believe, I

will probably succeed.

英文小诗(高一):Give me a Happy Friday

On that day,

I'll play. I'll sing. I'll write a diary.

On that day,

I'll have many things to do.

Then it's time for the singing class I'm looking forward to.

But now I can do nothing.

Just always studying and studying.

Come back,and come back,Friday!

Only with you can I happily play.

Come back with me, Friday!

I miss you so much but you just fly away……I have no ideas but to always wait.

Wish you back,

I'm firmly there waiting for you.

                        Yours sincerely                                      Alice



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