When thinking about the digestive system, the first organ that comes to mind is usually the stomach but surprisingly, this is not the largest organ in this system. That is, in fact the liver which is actually the largest solid organ in the body. The liver performs several functions among which are cleaning the blood, producing digestive liquids (bile) and storing energy. Again, we can see examples of cross system relationships here.
As well as the liver and stomach, the digestive system is made up of the pancreas and the intestine. The pancreas, like the liver, aids in digestion of food. After food has passed through the stomach and has been 'ground' into tiny pieces, it enters the intestine where the bile is added and the nutrients are extracted from the food. Waste products then move further down the intestine.
among which 定语从句
bile 胆汁
be made up of 由。。。构成
pancreas 胰腺
intestine 肠子
aid 帮助
digestion 消化
grind -- ground --- ground 磨碎 has been ground 被摩碎 (被动语态)
be ground into tiny pieces 被磨成细小碎片/碎末