thirst: a strong feeling of wanting to have or do something ,可替换 desire,longing,craving, 表示渴望
常用搭配:have a thirst for something 可以用来表示特别渴望某事。
He has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
unquenchable thirst/enthusiasm

There is a growing thirst for top talent in AI-driven companies.
Even though the Chinese have little appetite for political change, they have a huge thirst for security, transparency and the rule of law.
(have a thirst/an appetite for)
The success of Tiktok reflects people's strong thirst for entertainment.
(参考翻译:The popularity of Douyin shows an overwhelming thirst for entertainment. 或者 The fierce thirst for recreation has fueled the success of Douyin.)
In order to keep fit, he has a thirst for a proper combination of nutrition, exercise and rest.