

作者: mollyliu | 来源:发表于2018-11-25 22:55 被阅读0次

thirst的形容词形式“thirsty”是“饥渴的” “渴望的”意思,今天我们要学习名词形式“thirst”的用法。“thirst”的本意是“口渴”,不过和它的形容词一样,它也常被引申为表示“渴求” “渴望”,我们可以用它来替换表示“渴望”的词,比如 “desire” “longing” “craving”等词。

英英释义:a strong feeling of wanting to have or do something 


①  和“thirst”最常搭配的动词有 have,后面的介词一般用 for,have a thirst for something可以用来表示特别渴望某事。


He has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

② 我们平时常说“求贤若渴”,用英文表述时就可以用“a thirst for talent”。比如现在人工智能行业就很需要人才,我们就可以说:

There is a growing thirst for top talent in AI-driven companies.


Even though the Chinese have little appetite for political change, they have a huge thirst for security, transparency and the rule of law.

这句话中使用了同义词替换:have little appetite for, have a huge thirst for。“appetite” 和 “thirst” 最常见的意思分别是“食欲”和“口渴”,不过在这句话中,它们都表示“欲望”。把这段话记下来,同时就掌握了两个形象实用的表达。 



The popularity of Douyin shows an overwhelming thirst for entertainment. 

The fierce thirst for recreation has fueled the success of Douyin.

The success of Douyin reflects that people have a consuming thirst for entertainment.

(2)例句:Children always show a real thirst for others' toys.

场景 :孩子对其他小朋友的玩具总是表现出很渴求的样子


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