【英语原著】哈利·波特与魔法石 (47)

【英语原著】哈利·波特与魔法石 (47)

作者: 雪莉说 | 来源:发表于2019-03-25 13:04 被阅读0次

    The envelope was thick and heavy, made of yellowish parchment, and the address was written in emerald-green ink. There was no stamp.
    Turning the envelope over, his hand trembling, Harry saw a purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake surrounding a large letter ‘H’.
    ‘Hurry up, boy!’ shouted Uncle Vernon from the kitchen. ‘What are you doing, checking for letter-bombs?’ He chuckled at his own joke.
    Harry went back to the kitchen, still staring at his letter. He handed Uncle Vernon the bill and the postcard, sat down and slowly began to open the yellow envelope.
    Uncle Vernon ripped open the bill, snorted in disgust and flipped over the postcard.
    ‘Marge’s ill,’ he informed Aunt Petunia. ‘Ate a funny whelk …’
    ‘Dad!’ said Dudley suddenly. ‘Dad, Harry’s got something!’
    Harry was on the point of unfolding his letter, which was written on the same heavy parchment as the envelope, when it was jerked sharply out of his hand by Uncle Vernon.
    ‘That’s mine!’ said Harry, trying to snatch it back.

    Rowling, J.K.. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone . Bloomsbury. Kindle Edition.

    Knowledge Point

    • The envelope was thick and heavy, made of yellowish parchment, and the address was written in emerald-green ink. There was no stamp.
      ⇒ yellowish [adjective] (UK ​ /ˈjel.əʊ.ɪʃ/ US ​ /ˈjel.oʊ.ɪʃ/) also yellowy
      slightly yellow
      ⇒ parchment [noun] (UK ​ /ˈpɑːtʃ.mənt/ US ​ /ˈpɑːrtʃ.mənt/) 【参见图片】
      Parchment is a kind of thick yellowish paper. (仿羊皮纸)


      ⇒ emerald [adjective] (UK ​ /ˈem.ə.rəld/ US ​ /ˈem.ə.rəld/) ALSO emerald green
      [noun] 翡翠,绿宝石 【参见图片】
      a transparent, bright green, valuable stone that is often used in jewellery

    • Turning the envelope over, his hand trembling, Harry saw a purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake surrounding a large letter ‘H’.
      ⇒ wax seal 蜡封 【参见图片】

      wax seal

      ⇒ Sealing wax is a malleable material which, after melting, quickly hardens (onto paper, parchment, ribbons and wire, and other material) forming a bond that is difficult to separate without noticeable tampering. Sealing wax is primarily used to seal envelopes or documents.
      ⇒ Hogwarts acceptance letters were closed with a purple wax seal bearing a large "H" and the four animals representing the four Hogwarts Houses. 【参见图片】

      sealing wax
    • ‘Hurry up, boy!’ shouted Uncle Vernon from the kitchen. ‘What are you doing, checking for letter-bombs?’ He chuckled at his own joke.
      ⇒ letter bomb [noun] (UK ​ /ˈlet.ə ˌbɒm/ US ​ /ˈlet̬.ɚ ˌbɑːm/) 邮件炸弹
      a small bomb that is put in an envelope or parcel and posted to someone

    • Harry went back to the kitchen, still staring at his letter. He handed Uncle Vernon the bill and the postcard, sat down and slowly began to open the yellow envelope.
      ⇒ hand [verb]
      to put something into someone's hand from your own hand

    • Uncle Vernon ripped open the bill, snorted in disgust and flipped over the postcard.
      ⇒ rip [verb] (UK ​ /rɪp/ US ​ /rɪp/ -pp-)
      to remove something quickly, without being careful
      ⇒ snort [verb] (UK ​ /snɔːt/ US ​ /snɔːrt/)
      When people or animals snort, they breathe air noisily out through their noses. People sometimes snort in order to express disapproval or amusement. 喷鼻息 (有时表示不赞同或可笑)
      ⇒ disgust [noun] (UK ​ /dɪsˈɡʌst/ US ​ /dɪsˈɡʌst/)
      a strong feeling of disapproval and dislike at a situation, person's behaviour, etc.
      ⇒ flip [verb] (UK ​ /flɪp/ US ​ /flɪp/ -pp-)
      If you flip something, you turn it over quickly one or more times, and if something flips, it turns over quickly.

    • ‘Marge’s ill,’ he informed Aunt Petunia. ‘Ate a funny whelk …’
      ⇒ whelk [noun] (UK ​ /welk/ US ​ /welk/) 【参见图片】
      a soft sea creature, similar to a snail, that lives in a hard shell

    • Harry was on the point of unfolding his letter, which was written on the same heavy parchment as the envelope, when it was jerked sharply out of his hand by Uncle Vernon.
      ⇒ be on the point of (doing) sth
      to be going to do something very soon

    • ‘That’s mine!’ said Harry, trying to snatch it back.
      ⇒ snatch [verb] (UK ​ /snætʃ/ US ​ /snætʃ/) ~ take quickly
      to take hold of something suddenly and roughly




          本文标题:【英语原著】哈利·波特与魔法石 (47)
