Uniqueness Pt. 3
“The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows - stand out in the market.”
麦当劳是如何把一致性做到极致的?麦当劳和别家快餐相比为何差评更少? 差异化的底线究竟是什么?商业制霸手册,夏老师为您搭建完整的商业理论框架,用商业知识武装大脑,制霸商业。
(本集选自 The Business Book - Big Ideas Simply Explained p.31)
本期关键词: 差异化战略
差异化战略又称别具一格战略,是指为使企业产品、服务、企业形象等与竞争对手有明显的区别,以获得竞争优势而采取的战略。这种战略的重点在于创造被全行业和顾客都视为是独特的产品和服务。差异化战略的方法多种多样, 如产品的差异化、服务差异化和形象差异化等。实现差异化战略, 可以培养用户对品牌的忠诚。因此, 差异化战略是使企业获得高于同行业平均水平利润的一种有效竞争战略。
[ 00'31" ] In a market in which rival companies promote the uniqueness 独特性 of their products in ever-louder (比以前声音还要大的) and more complex ways, consumers have become increasingly savvy (精明的) when it comes to distinguishing reality from rhetoric (修辞).
[ 02'22" ] While differences do not have to be tangible (可见的) — the evidence shows that an Emotional Selling Proposition (ESP) 情感卖点 is often enough — the challenge for businesses is that points of differentiation do have to be genuine (真实的) and believable.
[ 05'35" ] Developing an emotional connection with the customer requires that the differentiation is understood and consistently delivered 一致地传达throughout the organization.
[ 07'10" ] Contamination (污染)
[ 07'22" ] Public relations (公关)
[ 08'10" ] Well-defined core principles that celebrate (自豪地说) a company’s uniqueness should inform the customer experience at every point of contact.
[ 09'22" ] Difference has to be believable, and it is only believable if it is dependable.