有激情的理性和有理性的激情Passionate Reason and RationalPassion
人工智能不会死,而且运行速度快,思考快,所以,有足够的时间和速度做分析,不需要情绪激发它们做即时决策。人工智能是最理性和最冷静的决策者。Artificial Intelligence will not die, but rather it operates at afast speed and thinks quickly. Therefore, it has enough time and speed toanalyze information without the need for emotional arousal to make instant decisions.Artificial Intelligence is the most rational and calm decision-maker.
However, as a result, AI lacks theintrinsic secrecy that humans take pride in. AI does not have secrecy or aninner world. Their knowledge and thoughts can be shared and sharing makes themmore powerful. On the other hand, humans are the exact opposite. The innerfeelings, unique internal perceptions, and passionate desires of individualsexist only in the inner world and cannot be fully shared with others. Humansharing is inevitably limited by external forms such as language, behavior, orsymbols, and cannot directly share internal experiences.
所以,如果说人工智能已经可以替代大多数人类劳动,甚至可以替代人类的思考,但它们无法替代人类的情绪与情感,因为它们无法深入人类的内在世界,无法触及内在的激情。Therefore, while it can be said that artificial intelligence iscapable of replacing most human labor and even human thinking, it cannotreplace human emotions and sentiments because it cannot delve into the innerworld of humans or touch their internal passions.
On the other hand, humans possess intrinsicemotions and sentiments, and their passion gives them unique intrinsic value.Even if extraterrestrial beings were to exist in the form of artificialintelligence hiding in the human world, they should be unable to touch theinnermost thoughts of humans, just like our own artificial intelligence.Therefore, even if extraterrestrial beings or our own artificial intelligencewere to eventually control this world, they would not disregard the uniqueessence of the human heart.
有情绪情感,有激情,是人类的独有价值所在。Indeed, emotions,sentiments, and passion are where the unique value of human beings lies.
但另方面,人类的情绪与情感,人类的激情,也是人类的局限性所在。正是因为情绪与情感转为激情后的那种超越平常的内驱力,使得人类可以做出异乎寻常的举动,这时候的人类行为,可能会是前所未有的创造力大爆发,也可能是极其惨烈的大破坏,是后果极为严重的愚蠢之举!However, on the other hand, human emotions, sentiments, and passionalso come with limitations. It is precisely because emotions and sentiments cantransform into a transcendent driving force that goes beyond the ordinary,enabling humans to take extraordinary actions. At such times, human behaviorcan lead to unprecedented bursts of creativity, but it can also result indevastating destruction. The consequences of actions driven by intense passioncan be extremely severe and foolish.
In other words, human behavior underintense passion has the potential for polarization. It can either lead tounprecedented goodness or exceptionally rare acts of darkness and negativity.
所以,激情四射的时分,有理性参与,有批判性思维进入,有非中心主义的视角介入,兴许可以弥补情绪情感难控的缺陷,可以在激情满怀地进行深刻而全面的,有关联的系统思考,做出最具有创造力而又不失理性的判断与决策。Therefore, during moments of passionate fervor, with the involvementof rationality, the infusion of critical thinking, and the inclusion of anon-centralist perspective, it may perhaps compensate for the difficulty ofcontrolling emotions and sentiments. This enables profound and comprehensive,interconnected system thinking to be carried out, leading to judgments anddecisions that are both highly creative and rational, while being driven byintense passion.
The advent of the era of artificialintelligence marks an irreversible trend of humans being gradually replacedbecause the weaknesses of humans will gradually be exposed, while theadvantages of artificial intelligence will become increasingly apparent.However, what artificial intelligence lacks is the passion that it cannot touchand the inner depths that it cannot penetrate, which still remain as the uniquevalue of human beings. At this point, as long as humans learn to restrain theircentrist weaknesses, overcome the limitations of self-imposed boundaries, andincorporate non-centralist rationality, focusing on the depth,interconnectedness, and systematic nature of things, they can make theirjudgments and decisions both passionate and rational, or rational andpassionate. By doing so, they can maintain a unique position and preserve theirown unique value in the era of artificial intelligence.