12.1 Music- Where did it come fr

12.1 Music- Where did it come fr

作者: Ghosting | 来源:发表于2017-01-05 13:31 被阅读0次

    stimulate  vt.刺激;激励,鼓舞;使兴奋 vi.起兴奋作用;起促进作用;起刺激作用

    excitement n.兴奋,激动;令人兴奋的事;刺激,振奋

    I think if there is no music, my nerves will always be in a state of tension, 


    Fast pace of life will make me out of breath 

    soothing adj.慰藉的;使人宽心的;镇静的 v.抚慰;安慰( soothe的现在分词 );使舒服;减轻痛苦

    lullaby n.摇篮曲,催眠曲

    ole int.<西>好啊(斗牛、舞蹈表演等时的喝彩用语) n.<西>叫好声,喝彩声

    Vocal concert

    You know what, in the Lincoln Park concert, you can't help but with the melody singing, very excited, very warm, you can forget all the troubles, just like that time belongs to you

    archaeology n.考古学;古物;古迹

    centuries n.100年,一世纪( century的名词复数 );100分;千秋

    tribe n.部落,部族;[生]族;一帮,一伙;大群

    horn n.角质;角,触角;号角,喇叭;角状物 vi.不请自来;闯入

    aforementioned adj.前述的;上述的

    instrument n.仪器;乐器;手段,工具;法律文件 vt.用仪器装备;为演奏谱曲;向…提交文书

    instill in 灌输

    Music has a long history, perhaps it is the wisdom of the ancient people of the crystallization

    Maybe my parents want me to have a hobby. 

    society n.社会;社团;上流社会;社群adj. 上流社会的,社交界的

    phonograph n.<美>留声机

    privacy n.隐私,秘密;隐居;私事;不受公众干扰的状态

    morph n.变体;(动植物的)变种;语子;语素形式 vt.改变;在屏幕上变换图像


    obsolete adj.废弃的;老式的,已过时的;[生]已废退的 n.废词;被废弃的事物 vt.淘汰;废弃

    savvy v.知道,了解 n.悟性;头脑;机智;理解 adj.有见识的,懂实际知识的,通情达理的

    heavy metal

    Round record



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