作者: abapCiCi | 来源:发表于2019-08-22 08:42 被阅读0次


    Syntax :

    VALUE type( ... )
    When an initial value VALUE #( ) is passed to a 
    generically typed formal parameter, the type is derived from the generic type.

    for example

       BEGIN OF date,
         year  TYPE c LENGTH 4,
         month TYPE c LENGTH 2,
         day   TYPE c LENGTH 2,
       END OF date,
       dates TYPE TABLE OF date WITH EMPTY KEY.
    DATA(dates) = VALUE dates(
      ( year = '2013' month = '07' day = '16' )
      ( year = '2014' month = '08' day = '31' )
      ( year = '2015' month = '09' day = '07' ) ).

    If you want to add content

    dates  = VALUE dates( BASE dates ( year = '2016' month = '07' day = '16'  ) ).

    If you don't want rewrite multiple times

     year = '2015'
      (  month = '07' day = '16' )
      (  month = '07' day = '16' )

    About struct assignment

    TYPES:  BEGIN OF t_col2, 
               col1 TYPE i, 
               col2 TYPE i, 
            END OF t_col2. 
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_struct, 
             col1 TYPE i, 
             col2 TYPE t_col2, 
           END OF t_struct. 
    DATA: struct TYPE t_struct, 
          col2 TYPE t_col2. 
    struct = VALUE t_struct( col1 = 1 
                             col2-col1 = 1 
                             col2-col2 = 2 ). 
    col2   = VALUE   t_col2( col1 = 1 
                             col2 = 2 ). 
    struct = VALUE t_struct( col1 = 1 
                             col2 = col2 ). 
    struct = VALUE t_struct( col1 = 1 
                             col2 = VALUE #( col1 = 1 
                                             col2 = 2 ) )."嵌套结构

    using let in

    struct2 = VALUE #( LET x = struct2 IN 
                       col1 = x-col2 
                       col2 = x-col1 
                       col4 = 5 
                       col3 = x-col4 ). 

    using correspongding

    struct1 = VALUE #( BASE CORRESPONDING #( struct2 ) col4 = 4 col5 = 5 ). 

    using 'new' replace something

    DATA(base2)   = `xxyyzz`. 
    DATA(ref2)  = NEW struct( BASE base2 col2 = 'BB' )
     "result is  xxbbzz 

    new statement to create range

    DATA itab TYPE RANGE OF i. 
    itab = VALUE #( sign = 'I'  option = 'BT' ( low = 1  high = 10 ) 
                                              ( low = 21 high = 30 ) 
                                              ( low = 41 high = 50 ) 
                                option = 'GE' ( low = 61 )  ). 

    lines of

    DATA(itab3) = itab.
    itab3 = VALUE #( BASE itab3
                     ( LINES OF itab3 )"两次添加数据 
                     ( 4 )
                     ( 5 ) ).



