1/11 Chapter 5&6

1/11 Chapter 5&6

作者: 暴走的佳佳 | 来源:发表于2017-11-01 12:48 被阅读0次

    Words and Expressions

    1. affinity

    ,or feels an affinity for your sense of humor of your vision of life,

    【义】①a strong feeling that you understand sb/sth and like them or it

              ②a close relationship between two people or things that have similar qualities, structures or features.



    let's look at a few writers to see the pleasure with which they put on paper their passions and their crotchets.


    crotcheteer: 想法古怪的人;异想天开的人

    3.a rich vein of

    It avoids the pretentiouness that infects so much writing by people doing worthy work, and it allows for a rich vein of humor and common sense.

    【义】particular style        hit/strike particular style 形成风格,具有风格

              a rich vein of humor 大量幽默元素


    Paine's phrase is like poetry and the other four are like oatmeal---which is the divine mystery of the creative process.

    【义】adj. ①coming from or connetced with God or a god

                        divine law 天道  divine will大意

                      ②wonderful; beautiful 绝妙的;非凡的;极美的

                v. (formal) to find out sth by guessing


    5. plod

    If all your sentences move at the same plodding gait, which even you recognize as deadly but don't know how to cure, read them aloud.

    【义】v. to walk slowly with heavey steps, especially because you are tired.

    plod along/on :to make very slow progress, especially with difficult or boring work 进展缓慢(尤指艰难枯燥的工作)

    plodding gait  举步难行



    Paine's phrase is like poetry and the other four are like oatmeal---which is the divine mystery of the creative process.

    I don't understand why compare the creative process to oatmeal(燕窝??)?

    My Thinking





          本文标题:1/11 Chapter 5&6
